View Full Version : am I making this up?

28-08-13, 00:40
Hi everyone,
Hope you all are doing well. So, basically 2 weeks ago now I went from a year on prozac 40mg right to citalopram 20mg with no weaning in between. After about 3 days I felt terrible so I cut the dose of citalopram to 10 for the rest of that week and felt some what better. The past few days I've been taking my half in the morning and then half of a half at night (so I guess thats 15 mg total?) Not doing wonderful but approaching baseline.
So, this morning I wasn't thinking and took the entire 20mg and today has been awful! Massive headache, blurry eyes, "can't swallow" feelings, tingly everything.. I went to work at 3pm (LOL) and left at 6....my xanax wasn't touching it....
I am feeling so embarrassed and wondering if it is even possible for side effects to hit so quick? Or was I just creating symptoms?
Would you go back down to 15? or maybe try and carry one the 20 but do 10mg in the morning and 10mg at night?
I have a lot of hours to make up tomorrow and I cannot feel this way....
I hope that made sense, I guess I am just wondering if I created anticipatory panic or was the shoot to 20 too much?
Thanks everyone :)
