View Full Version : New here and need some help

28-08-13, 01:09
Hi, I'm 25 and I've been suffering from anxiety for years now and its now getting to the stage where the serverity of it is preventing me from going about my day to day life... I feel as though theres no way out and Im losing my mind. Id just like some advice or just someone to tell me the things Im experiencing are normal. Thanks for reading, please help.

28-08-13, 01:19
hi frazzle welcome to no more panic :) your not alone,lots of people suffer anxiety and im sure you will get great help here,ive only recently joined (2 weeks) and find everyone nice and helpful,i suffer health anxiety and social and its stopped me from working full time at the moment but ive been in this dark hole before and you will get out :) and I promise your not losing your mind,i got that worry when all this started and things do get better,the losing your mind is just the anxiety,i promise you,any questions just ask :) take care for now

28-08-13, 08:46
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

Is your doctor aware of the recent increase in the severity of your symptoms? What treatment are you on?

28-08-13, 08:51
:welcome:I think there is not a person on here who not been were you are ,I been bad for a while now but I keep going you must to don't give up you can win :bighug1:

28-08-13, 09:07
:welcome: Hi There and Welcome, I'm also quite new. I can totally relate to crippling anxiety that takes over your whole life, your ability to function and do normal day to day tasks.

You are not alone!

I would suggest talking to a Dr, CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) also helps me a lot and sometimes you just need something extra to help you cope and get your anxiety under control.

There is nothing wrong with taking medicine to help you cope.

Don't give up and believe that you will beat this.

Good Luck!


29-08-13, 00:42
Thanks. I've sort of played down my symptoms to my doctors as I dont like making a fuss. So Im not really on any treatment as such

29-08-13, 08:41
Thanks. I've sort of played down my symptoms to my doctors as I dont like making a fuss. So Im not really on any treatment as such

OK, here's the next step in your road to recovery:
Make a list of all your symptoms and any negative thoughts you have. How do they affect your day to day life? Then take the list and use it as a prompt when you see the doctor. This is what I did when I sought help last year.

This doesn't mean you're making a fuss - it's the doctor's job to help you and it's what they're paid to do.

29-08-13, 10:04
Thanks :) I just find it embaressing to say I'm having problems, feels like admitting defeat and I have to be strong for my family right now as my dad passed away recently and I'm acting as glue holding everyonr together right now.. Maybe I just need to give myself chance to grieve.

29-08-13, 10:50
It's not admitting defeat though, on the contrary, it's a sign of strength to admit when you need some extra help and to ask for it. That's the way I looked at it when I needed help. I'm sorry to hear about the death of your father. You need to look after your own needs now in order to better support your family. :hugs:

29-08-13, 15:11
Hi Frazzle.
You are not alone. Its a horrible condition. I am really struggling at the moment too. I have tried telling myself that i was "normal" once and i try to mentally picture myself when i was happy and care-free and tell myself i will be that person again one day.
You can get better, i have 3 times now!!
look after yourself.


29-08-13, 21:01
If you let your family know you are struggling at the moment, I'm sure someone who feels stronger right now will step up to be "the glue" while you concentrate upon yourself. Don't be embarrassed to be honest, you need to become a little more selfish now so that you can begin to recover. There is no weakness in taking meds, makes perfect sense to do everything possible to get better as quickly as you can, doesn't it?
Take care sweetheart