View Full Version : panicking. over taking medication

28-08-13, 01:22
Keep having panick attacks every time I take my medication it really starting to scare me I fell evertime I take any medication I'm getting all the side affects I'm really scared now :(

28-08-13, 19:07
Yeah the feeling of the affects the medication causes can send me into a panic attack as well and can sometimes make my anxiety worse because it feels different to how I'd normally feel! It's a vicious circle :(

01-09-13, 19:12
I'm with you there! Absolutely terrified of meds. Was able to take the odd diazepam now it is either reacting (unlikely, I am told) or I am now having hideous panic attacks. Took one 2mg on Thursday and was all over the place for hours. Racing heart, sobbing and out of control panic. Certainly didn't calm me down! Now I've decided not to bother, though I really do need to calm down.

01-09-13, 21:57
I've never had any issue about medication. Even during my cancer treatment, I trusted the doctors when they prescribed a medication.

However, I had two very strong reactions to drugs given to me during treatment. The first were steroids given to me to help counteract the effects of nausea from chemo. I had a rare reaction more commonly known as "Roid Rage". Normally, when we think something in our heads (cussing out the boss for instance), we have a "Don't say it Stupid" button that prevents us from actually saying or acting out our thoughts. Due to this side effect, the "stupid button" got turned off and I was a psychotic mess! I actually pulled off to the side of the road and went after a huge dude that walked out in front of my truck while he was texting on his phone! He could have squished me! ~lol~

I also had insomnia from side effects of treatment. I was given Ambien to help me sleep. I took it and found myself on the floor of the bathroom, naked! I had no recollection of getting up! Ummm.. no thanks! Since then, I'm very careful to ask what the side effects are as well as read about them prior to taking the drug. There's a reason there is about 2 minutes of fast talking warnings at the end of drug commercials.... listen carefully and ask questions!