View Full Version : Emergency Appt!

28-08-13, 10:12
It must be bad for me to have made an emergency dentist appt! 2 weeks ago I had a temp filling done in preparation for root canal treatment next Tuesday. The tooth hasn't caused me any issues since.... till now. Woke up at 1am this morning with the most excrutiating, throbbing pain. I've never known pain like it! I've taken paracetamol (probably too much :wacko:), sucked ice, put ice packs on my cheek and although it has relieved it slightly, the pain is still there. I don't know what's going on! There is no swelling, it doesn't hurt to touch but my gums above the tooth feel sensitive. It feels like the nerve is hitting on something (maybe my filling)! I couldn't put it off any longer so I've demanded an appt today. I'm not scared or frightened because I just want this bloody pain to go - I don't care what they do! Rant over! xx

28-08-13, 10:50
Sounds like it could be an abscess. Good luck at the dentist I'm sure they'll get you sorted so this horrible pain goes away. Toothache is a nightmare you have my sympathy

28-08-13, 10:59
I am pleased you have got an appointment and hope it gets sorted for you. :hugs:

28-08-13, 11:18
Nightmare isn't the word Bernie! It was so bad this morning that I just wanted to pull the thing out! Anyway, thank you ladies. It's nowhere near as bad as it was (pain comes/goes) but still very niggly and I need to get it sorted. I'm going away on Friday and I don't want my weekend ruined. It feels like I have a little heartbeat in my tooth and it's beating away! It could be the start of an abcess or infection but it wasn't there on the x-ray 2 weeks ago. Don't understand how a filled tooth can get infected! xx

28-08-13, 16:01
Well that was...... uncomfortable! She had to open up my tooth, clean out dead nerve, put an antibacterial solution in it, pack it and refill it! That wasn't so bad - it was the injection in 5 different places that bloody hurt! My face feels like it has had a stroke... and looks like it :huh:. My mouth is all droopy on one side. Still, the pain has gone but I'm going to be achy when I get feeling back! On Tuesday I have to go through it all again for root canal treatment. CAN'T WAIT! :huh:!!!!

28-08-13, 16:21
Glad you're sorted. It good you went when you did as that could've turned into an abcess. Hope you stay pain free :)

28-08-13, 16:26
glad its better now go and rest !

28-08-13, 16:49
Thank you Bernie. Injection wearing off and feeling very achy! xx

MrAndy; I intend to. I went back to work afterwards and can't wait to get home and put my PJ's on and chill. Soooo tired after a very restless, painful night! xx

28-08-13, 20:42
Meche make sure you take painkillers as the injection is wearing off. :hugs::hugs:

28-08-13, 21:24
Thanks Annie. I'm in so much discomfort tonight from the injection wearing off. I'm petrified the pain will come back but I'm told it's normal after an injection. Hopefully be pain free tomorrow! xx

28-08-13, 22:26
Wow, you were so brave. I am very impressed, I really am. In your moment of need (bad toothache) look how well you looked after yourself. How far you have come. Now that the infection's been sorted, that should calm the pain but bear in mind you have been pulled about not to mention injected multiple times. How well you did to brave all that. It isn't easy even when you are desperate to get the pain and discomfort sorted. But you did it didn't you....! Ok, so there is more treatment coming, but you know now that even though it's never a situation you'd willingly put yourself in, sometimes it becomes a necessity. You also know that you can survive such a situation.


29-08-13, 09:33
Thank you Tessar. Do you know what? Not once yesterday did I think about my anxiety. I only knew that I was in so much pain and carrying on with it was not an option. Infact, I couldn't wait to get down there! I was more anxious last night because I was afraid of the pain coming back. I also read up about root canals which scared me a little - it's quite a long procedure! You're right though - I can cope.... I have to. It's a couple of hours out of my life (ok - an uncomfortable couple of hours) but once it's done, it's done! I would rather get it sorted than go through that kind of pain again. xx

30-08-13, 21:50
I've had several root canal treatments. I survived them all. I'd rather not have needed them but like you, if there's a problem, you have to get it sorted. Even so you've been brill. So, I think you've had the longer appointment already. And besides, once the infection is sorted,the tooth isn't capable of feeling pain because the nerve isn't active now. Obviously the area needs to calm down and that isn't always straight away but all going well, once it's fully treated, you'll be back to normal. I always laugh when I say that "back to normal".... On a forum like this you wonder what normal is, ha ha.

31-08-13, 02:30
Aww you poor thing hun, you have my sympathies too.

There is nothing worse than toothache!!

You've been so brave to have faced it all. I know it's not pleasant but at least once the treatment is done, you'll be pain free and would have saved yourself lots more trouble and pain.

Well done hun :yesyes:

03-09-13, 12:06
Well - that's another dentist appointment done & dusted. This was the big one..... root canal treatment. I'm not going to lie - it wasn't comfortable... but it wasn't painful. It's starting to hurt now because the injection is wearing off but the procedure was pain free. It was almost 2 hours long so my jaw is very achy! So that's it for now. Next appointment 17th Sept to check it worked, maybe another minor root clean but then it can be filled and crowned. Hurrah!!! Then it's onto the minor stuff (filling, polish & clean). I can cope with that. After that I think I can cope with anything :D! xx

03-09-13, 12:34
Well done Meche that's amazing 2 hours worth of treatment. I think you deserve to treat yourself to a little prezzi :D

03-09-13, 13:45
I do indeedy Bernie. I've been a very brave girl :D!!!! Even my dentist was impressed with how patient and calm I was. It was so long because she had to keep taking x-rays. The first 2 didn't show the whole root so she had to take a third one and it was really fidgety. For me that was the most uncomfortable bit! Anyway, I can now relax for 2 weeks. xx

03-09-13, 18:41
Well done Michelle!! :) xx