View Full Version : Can't cope, please help

Skye Winter
28-08-13, 11:13
Hi everyone,

Sorry.. me again!

I'm really struggling right now. :weep: I can't stop feeling like I have some underlying heart condition that's gonna leave me dropping dead at any moment. I'm gaining weight because I keep comfort eating from anxiety, and I'm constantly fidgety and on-edge. I'm sat at work right now panicking about every little symptom I get.

I get palpitations, random aches and pains all over my body (mainly in my chest, legs and neck) and constantly in fear of having a heart attack, stroke or thrombosis. I can't cope. Please help me. It's hard to believe that all these symptoms are just anxiety. I'm convinced I am going to die, and it's really leaving me exhausted.

I've had ECG's and my doctor said I have a fast heartbeat(95bpm), but it's still in the range of 'normal'.. but I'm so worried they missed something :weep:

I know it's ridiculous, I feel totally embarrassed to be posting here begging for help but I really cannot control my emotions! :(

Any reassurance is so appreciated as I'm in the middle of a panic episode :weep: :eek:

28-08-13, 11:27
Im suffering from insomnia and a fast heartbeat right now. Its absolutely nightmarish and i swear to god it will pass soon! I keep getting these phases of anxiety every so often, and they always hit hard.

I would suggest trying to exercise to calm you down. I had a walk today with some running and i feel calmer.

Plus it feels so long since i last felt truly tired when trying to sleep...

28-08-13, 11:27
hi Skye, Im so sorry youre feeling so bad. Im sure if there was anything to worry about the doctor would have found it, you did the right thing in getting checked out. The problem is anxiety can do this to us and Im sure thats what this is. I have had a very bad panic attack again this morning and I know how scarey it is. Youre not alone I promise you, hope this horrible feeling passes soon. xxx

Skye Winter
28-08-13, 11:38
Thanks for your replies!
Nice to know I'm not alone but I'm sorry that you guys have to go through it as well. I'm sure the doctor would have picked up on what was wrong with me, but I just worry anyway "just in case" he missed something.

I'm going to try and trust his word, and remember that anxiety is there to help me not harm me, and I had a friend just remind me that nobody ever died of a panic attack. :)

Sorry to hear about your panic attack this morning, hadenough. I'm glad that has passed and you are feeling better now. And JCRyanDenton, I'm sorry to hear about your insomnia... Before I was actually diagnosed with anxiety I had horrible insomnia because of my symptoms, because at this point I had no idea what it was making me feel horrible! I hope you feel better soon :flowers:

28-08-13, 12:00
I have the exact same fear as you, your not alone i keep thinking there's something wrong with my heart and it's so annoying I just want to get on with my life but always have this in the back of my mind everyday, it started when I had my first panic attack :( there horrible and i have them everyday nearly still. It's difficult but you have to just keep telling yourself nothing is wrong and be strong I feel like giving up a lot of the time but have a daughter and have to stay strong for her. The doctors keep telling me I'm fine but I always want to go back all the time :( I hope your ok the symptoms you get are horrible aswell, have you tried talking to a therapist? I'm going to see 1 in a few weeks.

28-08-13, 13:03
I've had two heart attacks, triple bypass surgery in '07 and stents in '12. If it were indeed heart disease and you were in any way shape or form in trouble, you wouldn't be here writing about it. While symptoms of cardio vascular disease can come and go, each time you experience symptoms, they would get progressively worse and happen in quick succession. My 1st heart attack started on a Sunday morning with pressure/pain deep inside my chest. I had nausea and dizziness as well. It passed in about 20 minutes but returned that evening with a vengeance. It was then I went to the hospital where it was determined I was having a heart attack. My 2nd heart attack felt totally different (like trapped gas in my chest) and was quite painful. I had pain off and on all day on a Saturday and nothing on Sunday. On Monday afternoon, the pain came back hard and I rushed over to the ER and it was determined once again (by blood work) that I was having a heart attack. If you are suffering a heart attack, your body will release certain enzymes into the blood that indicate heart muscle damage. Stents were placed the following day after I was stabilized.

From what I've come to understand about HA, regardless of tests and re-assurance, you're still going to fall into the cycle of worry which in turn aggravates any pre-existing conditions and creates symptoms where none existed before. There are ways to determine if you're suffering from heart disease. A stress test, EKG, blood work etc. An appointment with a cardiologist may help to set your mind at ease but in addition, counseling with a therapist experienced in HA would be beneficial.

Positive thoughts and prayers.


28-08-13, 14:37
I've had two heart attacks, triple bypass surgery in '07 and stents in '12. If it were indeed heart disease and you were in any way shape or form in trouble, you wouldn't be here writing about it. While symptoms of cardio vascular disease can come and go, each time you experience symptoms, they would get progressively worse and happen in quick succession. My 1st heart attack started on a Sunday morning with pressure/pain deep inside my chest. I had nausea and dizziness as well. It passed in about 20 minutes but returned that evening with a vengeance. It was then I went to the hospital where it was determined I was having a heart attack. My 2nd heart attack felt totally different (like trapped gas in my chest) and was quite painful. I had pain off and on all day on a Saturday and nothing on Sunday. On Monday afternoon, the pain came back hard and I rushed over to the ER and it was determined once again (by blood work) that I was having a heart attack. If you are suffering a heart attack, your body will release certain enzymes into the blood that indicate heart muscle damage. Stents were placed the following day after I was stabilized.

From what I've come to understand about HA, regardless of tests and re-assurance, you're still going to fall into the cycle of worry which in turn aggravates any pre-existing conditions and creates symptoms where none existed before. There are ways to determine if you're suffering from heart disease. A stress test, EKG, blood work etc. An appointment with a cardiologist may help to set your mind at ease but in addition, counseling with a therapist experienced in HA would be beneficial.

Positive thoughts and prayers.


You my friend are just what we need, since you experienced it and can tell us the symptoms you suffered in great detail.

The sensations i get around my body at the moment are some tightness around my sides and shoulders (this is not new to me in the slightest however) and palpitations (with sometimes the thud sensation, no pain). I had blood work (back in February), ECG and an X Ray and they all came out positive. The palpitations i get are only really noticeable at night for the most part. Exercising doesn't trigger them usually either, at least not in any way thats new to me.

28-08-13, 14:59
You my friend are just what we need, since you experienced it and can tell us the symptoms you suffered in great detail.

The sensations i get around my body at the moment are some tightness around my sides and shoulders (this is not new to me in the slightest however) and palpitations (with sometimes the thud sensation, no pain). I had blood work (back in February), ECG and an X Ray and they all came out positive. The palpitations i get are only really noticeable at night for the most part. Exercising doesn't trigger them usually either.

Hi what Fishmanpa said is correct.

With Health Anxiety we get court into a vicious circle and at the end we tend to believe what we think our body is tricking us into thinking rather than the medical test that comeback ok and what the professional tell us.

There comes a time when we have to tell ourselves we are not going to continue living our life's in fear of every palpitation or ache all of which can be caused by many a different thing sometimes what we think are palpitations are flutters caused by acid reflux and the pains can be muscalur related.

But I think having Fishmanpa explain every symptom in detail would do more harm than good as Health Anxiety sufferers would then perceive them very same symptoms are happening to them. And then it would make the doctors work harder in trying to convince us there is nothing wrong.

I had heart related anxiety for over 2 years and the day came that I had to make a stand and address the good it had over me and I did and so far I have been winning my private war over the hood it had on me. I have not been to the doctor once in 7 months or been a&e about concerns about my heart, not saying that I don't have bad days because I do but I'm able to pull myself through it.

So all I can say is pick the time and the stage in your life when you want to make a stand and agree with yourself that you are goung to try and stick to it.
We are all here to help each other try to over come out fears and concerns.

28-08-13, 15:05
Hi what Fishmanpa said is correct.

With Health Anxiety we get court into a vicious circle and at the end we tend to believe what we think our body is tricking us into thinking rather than the medical test that comeback ok and what the professional tell us.

There comes a time when we have to tell ourselves we are not going to continue living our life's in fear of every palpitation or ache all of which can be caused by many a different thing sometimes what we think are palpitations are flutters caused by acid reflux and the pains can be muscalur related.

But I think having Fishmanpa explain every symptom in detail would do more harm than good as Health Anxiety sufferers would then perceive them very same symptoms are happening to them. And then it would make the doctors work harder in trying to convince us there is nothing wrong.

I had heart related anxiety for over 2 years and the day came that I had to make a stand and address the good it had over me and I did and so far I have been winning my private war over the hood it had on me. I have not been to the doctor once in 7 months or been a&e about concerns about my heart, not saying that I don't have bad days because I do but I'm able to pull myself through it.

So all I can say is pick the time and the stage in your life when you want to make a stand and agree with yourself that you are goung to try and stick to it.
We are all here to help each other try to over come out fears and concerns.

I know what you mean by him mentioning the symptoms, but its better than some website saying its a heart problem or some random on yahoo.

And i will take my stand at some point myself once i can get the encouragement to do so!

28-08-13, 15:14
I know what you mean by him mentioning the symptoms, but its better than some website saying its a heart problem or some random on yahoo.

And i will take my stand at some point myself once i can get the encouragement to do so!

Yes it is not good reading on yahoo answers when someone says about an ache or pain and then some random idiot says it is a heart attack or heart disease. It is very worrying.

And as for the encouragement to make the stand, well you have all the encouragement you need at that is YOU and your well being and also if you make you stand it will encourage others to follow suit when you report back how successful you have been.

But every now and again we may fail but we just have to relay on the encouragement of others to help see us through

28-08-13, 15:36
The sensations i get around my body at the moment are some tightness around my sides and shoulders (this is not new to me in the slightest however) and palpitations (with sometimes the thud sensation, no pain). I had blood work (back in February), ECG and an X Ray and they all came out positive. The palpitations i get are only really noticeable at night for the most part. Exercising doesn't trigger them usually either, at least not in any way thats new to me.


While I'm not a doctor and I can't diagnose your symptoms definitively, they do not present themselves as heart issues. By being here and admitting to your issue with HA, you acknowledge the issue. Now, you need to address what you're going to do about it.

As purgatory said, me explaining in detail my actual heart attack symptoms may indeed turn into further self fulfilling symptoms with someone suffering from HA. I will repeat that if indeed you had serious heart issues, you wouldn't be here talking about them.

I don't suffer from HA. Yes, I have times when I have some anxiety (I'm an oral cancer survivor) when scan time comes around but if anything, having faced my demise several times, I have the opposite of HA... I just don't give a (&*!@#% Some thing, some time, some how is gonna take me from this world and in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy every moment I can ;)

From what I've gathered in my reading and research of the subject of HA, it comes down to recognizing there is an issue and "wanting" to make the positive changes in your life to treat and alleviate the patterns that got you to where you are today. In some ways, it's like quitting smoking. You know it's bad for you but yet people still do it (coming from an ex smoker). Addiction to nicotine is real as is HA and one has to truly want to do something about it in order to move on.

Truly, I hope that you find a way to control your anxiety. From what I've gathered, those that accomplish this, are almost re-born and begin to truly enjoy their lives.

Positive thoughts and prayers


28-08-13, 15:46

While I'm not a doctor and I can't diagnose your symptoms definitively, they do not present themselves as heart issues. By being here and admitting to your issue with HA, you acknowledge the issue. Now, you need to address what you're going to do about it.

As purgatory said, me explaining in detail my actual heart attack symptoms may indeed turn into further self fulfilling symptoms with someone suffering from HA. I will repeat that if indeed you had serious heart issues, you wouldn't be here talking about them.

I don't suffer from HA. Yes, I have times when I have some anxiety (I'm an oral cancer survivor) when scan time comes around but if anything, having faced my demise several times, I have the opposite of HA... I just don't give a (&*!@#% Some thing, some time, some how is gonna take me from this world and in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy every moment I can ;)

From what I've gathered in my reading and research of the subject of HA, it comes down to recognizing there is an issue and "wanting" to make the positive changes in your life to treat and alleviate the patterns that got you to where you are today. In some ways, it's like quitting smoking. You know it's bad for you but yet people still do it (coming from an ex smoker). Addiction to nicotine is real as is HA and one has to truly want to do something about it in order to move on.

Truly, I hope that you find a way to control your anxiety. From what I've gathered, those that accomplish this, are almost re-born and begin to truly enjoy their lives.

Positive thoughts and prayers


I need to improve my social skills and meet new people, unfortunately the secondary school i was send to originally was a moderate special needs school (i am very high functioning, i was just a prick in primary and they thought i would be bullied in mainstream...those idiots did more damage to me that way) where my social skills were stunted and never really matured. I left that one and want to a new one, where the stunting really showed. I couldn't get on with anyone at this new school since they wanted me to act a certain way, already enemies with a few of them just for not sucking up to them (even got death threats from one of them just for arguing over a trivial matter on FB...he blocked me too).

So yeah, my social skills improve = health anxiety may go down.