View Full Version : Random Panic attacks

28-08-13, 12:44
Hello :)
I will try not to ramble on.
I have been smoking marijuana for about 2.5 years now. From about 2011-2012 I was only smoking it like a once a month if that with a mate. Anyway I started smoking it regualy almost everynight while playing xbox from about Febuary this year. Anyway about April this year whenever I went to bed High or just sitting up in my chair playing xbox awile after I blazed up. I would get this Spooky feeling go through my body like my Nervous system suddenly colapses for a second. When it would happen I would suddenly get up and go freak out thinking "WHAT WAS THAT?!?!" I used to think it was my heart stopping for a second making my body feel like it it wasn't getting oxygen or something becauae I found it hard to breathe too but when I got up and walked around I was fine.
I told my doctor about it when it was first happening and he put me on Mirtazapine 30mg. I also had an ECG done on my heart and blood tests but everything was good. I thought I would be a zombie for weeks on the Mirtazapine cos my brother said it made him sleep all the time, but I was only tired the next day. I was actually getting a full 8 hours sleep on it and was finding it easier to get out of bed in the morning. Anyway in the last month these weird sudden feelings kept happeninv more and more but they weren't at the stage of turning into into panic attacks.
Anyway a few weeks aho I saw another Doctor and she put my dosage up to 45mg Mirtazapine. And said she might even bump it up to 60mg
Anyway one night I went around to a mates place and had 3 cones and then drove to another chicks place and had about another 3-4 cones (so about about 6-7 cones in about 2hours. Anyway I went to drive up to 7/11 for fuel and snacks and that Sudden feeling happened again but this time for the first time while I was driving. My hearing got sensitive for a second and got that HUGE Drop feeling go through my chest (never get any pain) and all of a sudden I was finding it VERY HARD TO BREATHE and my heart rate went right up and my hands were shaking. I quickly pulled over and called an ambulance because that was the first time I had a full on panic attack and I thought I was going to die, huge rush of fear was going through me. I was cery degydrated when it happened too and haden't really eaten much that day. When the ambulance got there he was very rude to me saying that was not an emergency. He said "try doing my job for a night then you will have something to streas about" I told him that I wasn't even feeling stressed or anxious when it happened. I never did. He was saying "it alright its obvious you are excited and have gad a fun night"
he must have thought I was on speed ot sonething because I was talking fast and looked very stressed. Although I was high bur because I had CLEAR EYES ib my eyes they didn't look bloodshot so I didn't looked stoned. I always use clear eyes when driving cos its common sense. When he said I had a good night I was going to say "whats that suppose to mean" but cos I was high I thought i'd be keep my mouth shut. After all that he told me to just go home.
Marijuana is the knly illegal drug I have ever done. Not even Speed. Although the only thing closeest to speed I have ever had was Ritalin and Dexamphetamine when I was 5 which pretty much made me real tired like a zombie lol

I haven't smoked any weed for a week now or had any caffiene and I actually recently had 4 panic attacks recently without having any weed. They seems to only happen when im sitting down, lying down or driving. I have been driving for ages now since christmas 2010 and I am a very confident driver.
I never get panic attacks out in public although I do feel nervous sometimes about going into the shop cos I think people are looking at me (iv always been like that since I was 16 so it nothing to do with weed cos i firat tried weed at 19. Anyway when I think people afe looking at me I just tell myself WHO WOULD WANT TO WATCH ME? WHO CARES. Lol

3 times this week I have been to the Medical centre at night cos these random attacks seem to mainly happen at night. My doctor who originaly prescribed me the Mirtazapine told me to stop taking them cos they have not helped at all except for sleeping and feeling depressed. But they have done nothing for these attacks so he told me to stop taking them incase they are making them worse. I ended up telling him that I smoke weed but he said it would't be the root of the problem but it would be making it worse cos how it speeds up my heart rate abd lowers blood pressure

I haven't actually had a panic attack for a couple nights now. But if I do should I see if I can get prescribed a Benzo for short term use cos I know you can't use them evety day cos they become pretty much useless after 2 weeks anyway si I'd intend to use them only when needed.

My question is. Could the Mirtazapine 45mg be making the Panic attacks worse? I haven't had them for 2 nights now and have 't had a panic attack yet

So I was thinking of sprinkling I TINY bit of weed into a rollie tonight to get a slight Buzz and play Skyrim. Do you think I would be safe? I think I might have a couple magnesium tablets before I try to relax my body abit

28-08-13, 17:34
From what u describe from your experience would have scared me to death tbh.
I simply would stay far far away from any stimulant.
Full stop:winks: