View Full Version : Weird sensation in head all day

28-08-13, 14:54
Hi, since I had a panic attack last week, when I had an ambulance called out to me and did an ECG and what not, Iv been on a knifes edge anxious of another attack coming along.

However, 1 week later, I started to have this weird tingling sensation in the top of my head, almost as if my brain is missing a big chunk. I have no headaches or anything. Iv done nothing but google things such as aneurysm's, hemorrhages, tumours etc... I have none of the symptoms so im sure its just anxiety, but I just can't seem to get rid of the sensation.

Keeping my mind busy seems to get rid of the sensation, but whenever I have no chores or anything to do, and my mind wanders onto it, the feeling comes back again.

Its a weird one to explain, the only way I really can describe it is.. I feel as though my head is missing a chunk, and I'm anxious of a stroke or something..... has anyone else experienced this?

28-08-13, 15:29
I get this on top of my head when my muscles are chronically tight due to stress. It's not painful, but off-putting.

28-08-13, 15:57
I get head sensations that I can't even describe that I am convinced feel like a stroke or an impending seizure and I can't get rid of the thought once it starts. It is truly incredible what the brain can convince itself, especially when anxious. I am sure there is nothing wrong and you are just worrying! Everyone says if you stop fearing the symptoms, they will disappear eventually... still working on that myself, but we will get there. Best of luck to you.

28-08-13, 16:14
The sensation is probably down to physical symptoms of anxiety and can feel like your a bit detached from everything. You don't notice it when your distracted but it becomes your main focus when you are not. Problem with health anxiety is the symptoms become worse because we focus on them to such a degree that they overtake everything else. Also Dr google is a very bad way to self diagnose as again we will only tend to focus on the worse case scenarios. Try not to use google for symptoms and try to replace the negative thought of what it could be to a more balanced one. Easier said than done I know.

28-08-13, 17:04
probably, im going to see a doctor tomorrow as I can't take my mind away from it.. so irritating. Iv no other symptoms of any of the major things that can be wrong with the head.. i guess im just thinking of it all the time and im exaggerating the sensations im experiencing at this moment..

No headaches, not being sick, no loss of consciousness, no head trauma, no problems with speech or balance etc...

just so irritating that I can't get it off my mind and the sensation won't go away.

28-08-13, 17:45
The problem with health anxiety is we need a lot of constant reassurance from people and health professionals to tell us everything is ok. Its hard not to worry about it and catastrophise as to what it could be. It seems like me, the logical part of you is telling you its nothing to worry about, while the anxious side is telling you it is. From what you've described I wouldn't think it was anything to worry about. Go see your gp and at least then you can have your mind put at rest

28-08-13, 17:58
Yes I have no pains or aches either, just located odd sensations I cant really describe other than the way I already have, keeping busy rids the sensation so obviously its only there when I think of it.

---------- Post added at 16:58 ---------- Previous post was at 16:49 ----------

cant seem to get it out of my head though its so irritating, its as though I can feel a tingling feeling on the top of my head and it moves slightly depending on what was I sit/lie down.

28-08-13, 18:10
I do understand, I get the same sensation. And I also know its part of my anxiety but still I worry!

28-08-13, 18:48
Yes, its very odd because the feeling is on the INSIDE of my head, not the skull... really overwhelming when Im trying to sleep at night... so irritating. Doesnt cause any headaches (except small sensations of pain, which I think are caused by me thinking about it)

28-08-13, 20:18
Well, your brain has no actual nerve endings so it is incapable of feeling these sensations. What you are feeling is most likely muscular - caused by chronic neck tension. How are you sitting? How do you carry your shoulders? For me, my scalp - and other parts of my head and face become over-sensitized when I am chronically anxious. Thus I feel things that I usually do not. The reason is that the nerves in my head are in fight or flight mode and responding to adrenaline. My brain is also in hyper-awareness mode which further fuels the odd sensations. My hearing becomes over sensitive as well (hyperacusis) and my tinnitus spikes. I hear odd sensations like my neck/spine clicking while I walk - inside my head.
I know the feeling you describe exactly. I felt it for the last month and it's finally began to subside. Every time my hair would move I would feel that sensation. It was almost as if two fingers were pressing down on the top of my head lightly. I would actually feel my pulse in the crown of my head if I paid attention long enough.

Just keep in mind, if it were a significant health issue, you would feel other symtoms. In the case of brain tumors, you would have a horrible localized headache. Aneurisms or strokes would also bring straight forward neurological symptoms that would send you right to the ER.

28-08-13, 20:47
Yes I get this sometimes. Just think - if it was anything serious you would know by now. It is purely anxiety feeding off itself.

28-08-13, 20:51
Straight forward Neurological symptoms such as what? Whenever I think of a headache I get a headache.. its stupid really.

28-08-13, 21:05
Straight forward Neurological symptoms such as what? Whenever I think of a headache I get a headache.. its stupid really.
I mean loss of balance, numbness in one side of the body, loss of speech function, loss of eyesight. Sudden onset of severe neurological symptoms. When I say headache, I'm talking severe headache...accompanied by nausea, vomiting, vertigo etc.

Head tingling is a classic anxiety symptom. It's annoying and may last for a few weeks but it will go away when your anxiety is lowered. Also, the muscles that surround your head contract due to anxiety and can often feel tense and tingly...like your skull is in a vice.

---------- Post added at 16:05 ---------- Previous post was at 16:02 ----------

By the way, when this sensation really bothers me, I put on a baseball cap which makes me barely notice it. Strange, but it works.

29-08-13, 00:52
Yes I understand how it will work, whenever I put my hand on my head it seems to go away haha.. weird one, but ill still go to my GP tomorrow for a peace of mind

---------- Post added 29-08-13 at 00:52 ---------- Previous post was 28-08-13 at 21:14 ----------

OMG now im really panicing because Iv started to get a pretty bad headache on my side of my head

29-08-13, 08:49
I get this too ... It's a really weird sensation but its all part of anxiety. For me, it came on last week after I had seen a doctor re my TMJ. I was in a terrible state about going to the hospital as I have severe medical phobia and that kicked it off. Still getting it from time to time. They reckon all my symptoms are stress/anxiety induced. Try telling my brain that!! And try telling me to relax! Hope you feel better soon x

29-08-13, 08:57
I was at the doctor's yesterday with an ear problem ('real'). Before I left I told him about another symptom but I felt silly so prefaced it with, "Can you please just reassure my Prozac-riddled brain that this won't kill me?!" He listened, laughed and said, "It won't kill you." End of discussion. I don't know which of us was more relieved... ;)

29-08-13, 10:07
Hi, Please don't worry my tingling head has been the one the on-going symptoms over the past year!! It has no disappeared but spread to numbness and tingling on my face. All I can say is that I have had all the tests, MRI, ECG and they've put it down to anxiety...

Unfortunately I am plagued by Dizzy Zaps and long period of vertigo spells its horrible :( Once I've got rid of this hopefully I will be back on the mend!

Thanks :)