View Full Version : I don't know what to do

28-08-13, 14:54
Hello everyone...

I have been suffering from anxiety the past couple of weeks, and I have been to the doctors everyday since Sunday. I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression yesterday and the tablets are giving me nausea.. This morning I was convinced something was still wrong with me. After the doctor gave me a full examination I found out there is nothing physically wrong with me. But now I can't help feeling that the doctor has been lying to me, and all the other doctors previous. I'm not eating properly, and I just want the thoughts to go. I want to be able to enjoy life. But at the moment all I have is these thoughts of there is something wrong with me. I've seen numerous doctors. All have said the same. I am fine. Why can't I just leave it at that?
Are there any helpful tips or anything that can help me while the anti depressants are working through my system?
Thank you xx

28-08-13, 15:04
Hi, so sorry to hear you're feeling this way. Has the dr offered you counselling or anything? All I can say that helps me when I'm going through a rough patch is surrounding myself with the people I love xxx

28-08-13, 15:07
He hasn't. I've been calling the out of hours service and also the Samaritans and also anxiety uk... I just want to be able to eat a proper meal.. Not pick at things.. I know there is nothing physically wrong with me. But my brain keeps telling me something different... I want to be able to eat.. And feel good about myself xxx

28-08-13, 15:43
Hayley - how you are feeling is completely normal. It is unpleasant but know it will pass. Anxiety has real physical impacts on our body - i know when i have bad attacks i can't eat either whereas some people eat loads! We all react differently but it is normal to feel this way i promise. I know it sounds odd but try writing down on a piece of paper 'I can cope and I am coping, I can handle anything' over and over and over again (like writing lines in school!) This will help tell your brain you are ok. Essentially you are in a fight of flight (or freeze) panic mode which has flooded your system with all sorts of chemicals so that you can run away or fight the danger you think you are in - in reality you are in no danger at all i promise! So by telling yourself over and over again that you can cope and another good one if that you are safe you will begin to calm down and you might find you can eat again.

Would also recommend breathing - just take deep breathes and concentrate on your breathing and have you ever tried Bach's Rescue remedy? It can help calm you too.

Anyway, I hope you feel better soon. Sending hugs your way!

28-08-13, 15:53
I haven't tried that... What is it? I've been telling myself I am ok.. Nothing is wrong... I felt a bit better this morning after the doctors. But now I feel worse... I'm on holiday on Saturday for a week, I want to be able to enjoy my week away with my family. Xxx

28-08-13, 16:12
Bach's Rescue Remedy is a natural flower based remedy - look it up online to read about it and how it's created/works. Some find it useful for taking the edge off - i use the nighttime one to help get to sleep.

I find writing more useful that telling myself in my head, something about writing it down makes it more permanent and i can't hide from it.

I'm sure you will be fine to enjoy your holiday with your family - it might be just what you need!

28-08-13, 16:36
I want to echo the earlier post about eating. At my worst I couldn't even go in the kitchen, the thought and smell of food would increase the anxiety greatly. I've learnt it really doesn't matter if you lose a few pounds, they will easily go back on when you feel a little better and eat more normally. Just try a little something at every meal time. I cannot tell you how many bananas and yoghurts I ate because I found them easy to swallow. As long as you're drinking plenty, loss of appetite is just another of anxiety's horrible symptoms.
Take care and keep posting if it helps

28-08-13, 16:39
I've seen numerous doctors. All have said the same. I am fine. Why can't I just leave it at that?

Because simply, that's what HA does to you. If you've just begun taking medication, often a side effect is nausea. It takes a bit for your body to adjust to psychotropic drugs. I took Zoloft for some minor depression several years ago and it caused a bit of nausea and dizziness for a week or so until my body built up the proper tolerance. Give it some time and if you're still having side effects, discuss them with your doctor. An adjustment in dosage or another drug may be in order.

Positive thoughts and prayers


28-08-13, 16:58
If you know you're okay then try go outside and prove yourself right :)
Do something that'll take your mind off stuff. Jogging is great! Go out with friends to the movies or do something entertaining.
I know it sound very challenging, but try not to get sucked further into the vortex of depression. Keep active, stay alive! :)

28-08-13, 17:51
Thank you everyone for your comments. I've spent the last hour on the phone to the Samaritans and I do feel better for talking and also for you taking the time to reply to me... I wasn't expecting a response at all.. Night time is the worse for me.. I go for regular walks.. I'm not at work at the moment. I'm currently on holiday.. So my mind isn't as occupied as it would be at work.. Is there any advice you can give me with dealing with this at night time? xxx