View Full Version : Sleeping weird hours and so very tired......

22-10-06, 09:16
I have posted alot on here about worrying about my heart and hearing my pulse in my ears,but lately I have been so very tired.I have for the most part of my life slept only about 4 to 5 hours but now finding myself sleeping 12 to somethings 13 hours a day.We started off staying up late until 3am or 5am in the morning and we would get up by around 1pm or sometimes late as 3pm.Now we are sleeping until 5pm.At first i used to complain and tell her the sleeping so late was making me depressed..She said well its not like we have anything to do so enjoy it and enjoy the house since we are new here and retired.I hated it and that was one of the things that started me getting depressed,but I soon gave into it and found that if I didn't go to bed till 5am and 6am I couldn't get up at noon or 1pm anymore.I would wake at that time but the more I slept the more I wanted to sleep. I feel like we are vampires.We almost don't get up until the sun goes down.Its been hard on me and taken a toll on my mind and with it getting winter its going to be really hard to break that habit.I got up yesterday morning at noon to wait for the cleaning lady that didn't show up until late afternoon.I had gotten about 5 hours sleep but was so tired my pulse was pounding in my head.I used to get up and walk around some in the afternoons and get a little exercise and now I wake up and am exhausted and my heart pounds with just a very little effort.i was told last time I was at the doctors office i had a slight murmur but nothing to worry about..No test needed..so I have struggled with that off and on worrying and my pulse is still pounding in my ears at least until I can go to the ent but the thing that worries me the most is that im so tired that I cannot breathe...or feels that I cannot breathe with little or no exertion.I hate this feeling and worry that there just isn't somthing right about the way I feel.I have found in my life when I get to the point of being so physically exhausted that I stop caring about pretty much anything.Today has been one of those days and I have been sleeping prett much the whole day and wanting to go to bed now again.I am so tired a brief walk to the kitchen makes me tired.Is this normal with depression and with our sleeping habits I just havent gotten really good sleep lately and its taking its toll on me or could there be another problem..maybe physical that is making me feel this way..?

22-10-06, 09:42
Hi, Nice to speak to you. It seems that your sleeping habits are playing havoc with your body and your emotions. You say the doc has checked you out and says that the heart murmer isn't a problem - accept what he says and try not to worry. The other symptoms you mention sound like anxiety-related which is pretty normal as you've been told about a heart murmer, you're retired in a new place and your sleeping pattern has changed. I know that, for myself and I suffer anxiety/panic, sleeping in when I feel anxious is the worst thing I can do. I feel sluggish all day, everything is 10 times harder than it should be and I start to lose interest in things I normally enjoy. Please try and get to bed at a more normal time, when you awaken, get up don't lay there. Have a cuppa tea and mabe a slow walk to get your morning paper. Routine can be a real blessing sometimes. If you still worry, see your doc again fior reassurance. Now you're retired, you can do the things you wanted to do but couldn't before because of work etc. Enjoy and get your wife to, too. Sleeping in occasionally is fine/fun but if it makes you feel bad, change it. Take care, XX

22-10-06, 18:20
sleeping more makes you more tired and lethargic and sleeping during daylight hours can bring on sads
i went through a similar thing and found that by making myself get up and doing things i would then go to bed at a decent time so my sleeping pattern went back to normal


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

23-10-06, 01:51
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">sleeping more makes you more tired and lethargic and sleeping during daylight hours can bring on sads
i went through a similar thing and found that by making myself get up and doing things i would then go to bed at a decent time so my sleeping pattern went back to normal


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

<div align="right">Originally posted by net - 22 October 2006 : 18:20:22</div id="right">
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Went to bed earlier and got up later..another 12 hours..She is stilll asleep.We moved to a colder climate and hoping that is one of the reasons for our sleeping late.I have never in my life slept this long..It worries me and when i get up I get really out of breath with a little exhurtion..I am going to try to go back to sleep earlier tonight and make myself get up early .We have tried that but found that when we are up during the day we feel ..why have we got up so early..But its little steps I suppose ,for us to just keep trying.I get really depressed about it.I have never stayed in bed this long EVER.Even when I have been very very sick with flu or anything I have made myself get up..Thank you and the other person for writing to me.We will keep trying..I just hope its not depression..The funny thing about it..is sometimes I feel depressed but more of depressed about the way we are spending our life..not what about should be depressing..But the biggest thing that worries me is that since we moved here we have wanted to sleep all the time..We were never like this before,but also we were never retired before either..Once again thanks for the encouragement and taking the time to write.Like I said that goes for the person that wrote above too..Its reassuring that someone cares enough to respond to my questions and I welcome more to do the same .It comforts me to know that we arern't alone...

23-10-06, 04:42
Good morning looking for answers, lorraine rickards from england here just got up as i ca,nt sleep either, although my sleeping pattern is pretty good ,i can understand how you feel . where did you move from/ why did you move? what makes you not like where you are living now? if you address this problem than you should be able to go to the next stage of your life . trying to understand . feel free to reply or p.m. me anytime. take care both.[|)]

23-10-06, 05:38
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Good morning looking for answers, lorraine rickards from england here just got up as i ca,nt sleep either, although my sleeping pattern is pretty good ,i can understand how you feel . where did you move from/ why did you move? what makes you not like where you are living now? if you address this problem than you should be able to go to the next stage of your life . trying to understand . feel free to reply or p.m. me anytime. take care both.[|)]

<div align="right">Originally posted by rickards - 23 October 2006 : 04:42:56</div id="right">
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Moved from New Orleans..1200 miles to the midwest on the side of a moutain...8400 ft above where we were and the temp usually goes very low at night even in the summer and there isn't much summer usually is 70 degrees during the day and has been known in the winter to drop 40 below zero.We are starting to get snow off and on and the clouds touch the ground here where we live and make you feel wet on your body like you are sweating even when its cold.The normal temp at night in the fall is 26 and during the day 40 to 50 and during winter..temp is normally 5 or 6 degrees to 25 and like i said can get to 40 below with several feet of snow...I dont know if its the weather but when we used to live in the south and it rained alot or was cold..most people even if they didn't wanted to curl up and go to sleep..Maybe its the nature of humans..I don't know..But thanks for asking...

23-10-06, 14:53
now i know you moved higher up it could be the altitude

when i went to corfu it took us a while to be able to breathe when we asked why we were told its cos we were higher up than we're used to and surrounded by trees so theres more oxygen
then when we got home we had the same problem
i'm not familiar with america have you moved into an area surrounded by trees

since you are trying to get a routine and are still tired maybe you should go to gp
have you had a virus recently cos you could have chronic fatigue syndrome as sleeping a lot is a symptom


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past