View Full Version : Changing from seroxat/paxil to Venlafaxine

28-08-13, 17:50
Hi i have been on seroxat/paxil for 4 years and i was feeling very good but one day decide to stop them.I stayed two months without any meds but one day happened and it has all come back.After that i start again the seroxat on 20 mg 40 mg and 60 mg but no effect anymore :(
So before 5 days i switched from 20 mg seroxat to 150 mg venlafaxine!
I can not say that there is any difference maybe its early.I am feeling a tightening of the head like my brain burns and a weird floating sensation surreal on my head.Its not a vertigo its something like off balance the most times when i am walking.I know that i am not going to fall but is very bad and strange feeling and i dont know what it is...
These feelings are before switched from seroxat to venlafaxine but still here!Maybe anxiety i don't know :(
I called my doctor and said him what i am feeling and he said me to increase the dosage from 150 mg to 300 mg!!What do you think??to increase the dosage or just to wait 1-2 weeks on 150 mg??
Can you please help me????
Thanks in advance!!

28-08-13, 19:29
You are probably still having some effects from the seroxat and starting up the Venlafaxine. Personally I would give it a bit longer before upping to 300mg...but I am not a doctor and can only speak from personal experience.

I started Ven on the lowest possible dose because I was med phobic and very slowly increased from 37.5mg a day to 112.5mg a day (which is where I am now). I was supposed to increase to 150mg but I never did as the dose I am on has been really good for me. I always think docs are so quick to want us to up our dose before we have a chance to get used to the dose we are on.

I will say that Ven has been a lifesaver for me, I have been on it for a year now. I do hope it helps you.

Kitti :)

28-08-13, 19:53
Thanks Kitti very much for your reply.So you think to stay on 150 mg for now until the med start working?

28-08-13, 20:38
Hi, i take venlafaxine and also started off on 37.5mg, 150mg sounds like a big starting dose but your doc obviously had his reasons, if i was you id stick at the 150mg for a while longer x x

28-08-13, 20:56
Yes, I do tend to agree with Nicola, 150mg is a big start dose - so if I was in your position, I would definitely stick at the 150 for a while longer and then see how you go :yesyes: Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.

28-08-13, 21:04
ok thanks very much guys!!
Iam only scared for the one feeling i have :(
i am feeling like my head moving but its not real its only a feeling!
Its like Unbalanced feeling like sometimes you feel like your unbalanced for a second then come back and it goes in periods usually worse walking.
Dizziness but not room spinning just again a unbalanced feeling i cant explain it!!
I am scared :(

28-08-13, 21:42
That's brain zaps hun from you coming off the seroxat there very common withdrawal symptoms off an AD it should pass soon x x

---------- Post added at 21:42 ---------- Previous post was at 21:38 ----------

Forgot to say there harmless and nothing to worry about, i had them when i withdraw off citalopram x x

28-08-13, 21:43
its very strange feeling i cant explain it.its a strange dizziness :(
Today i went to market to buy cigarettes and while i was walking i was feeling very strange feeling on my head.Strange dizziness,off balance,like my head is moving but is unreal i cant explain it :(
Nicola are you sure that is brain zaps? :(

28-08-13, 21:46
Defiantly sounds like brain zaps i remember getting one walking around the supermarket and i had to stop and grab hold of something x x

28-08-13, 21:59
i know that i am not going to fall but the feeling it very strange sorry that i cant explain it :(
strong dizziness maybe?

28-08-13, 22:36
Maybe a bit of brain fog too....it's normal George and nothing to worry about, it will definitely pass ok, try not to worry it's just a side effect as Nicola says.

28-08-13, 22:37
ok thanks guys very much!!!xxx

28-08-13, 22:44
You are very welcome :) x

28-08-13, 23:06
Hi George, I had the lightheadedness you describe.
Mine was caused by stress/anxiety, I went to an ENT specialist and had this confirmed after a CT scan on my head.
I would feel spaced out and lightheaded, and find it hard to function. This lasted for 6 months! :(

Good luck, Gav.

29-08-13, 08:29
So it caused from stress/anxiety Spawn?

29-08-13, 21:08
Hi guys just got back from one restaurant that i was with one friend.
My head was tight and i was anxious :weep:
Today make 1 week on venlafaxine!Are the head tighting and the anxious side effects from the seroxat or from the venlafaxine and are they going to pass?

29-08-13, 21:38
I think its a bit of both, withdrawals off the seroxat and side effects off the venlafaxine so your having a double whammy of symptoms but they should pass in a week or so, don't worry its normal x x

29-08-13, 21:54
Thanks Nicola so today i make 1 week on venlafaxine but its nothing change.
Do you think that i have to continue with the 150 mg or to increase it??
Thanks mate!!

29-08-13, 22:59
I agree, it's a bit of both George. If you have only been on the Ven a week, it hasn't even started doing it's thing yet and you still have some withdrawal from the seroxat. Your anxiety is bound to be a little up at this time. I would say stick with the 150mg until you start to feel less side effects and then you can decide if you want to up to 300mg. You should start to feel better in a couple of weeks...be patient and positive if you can, sometimes we do feel worse before we feel better ;)

---------- Post added at 22:59 ---------- Previous post was at 22:51 ----------

Oh, I forgot to say...my side effects eased off quite quickly (I wasn't withdrawing from another medication either) but I didn't really start to feel the real benefits of Ven for about 2-3 months. Perhaps you could ask your doctor if it would be of any benefit to take some Diazepam alongside the Ven just to help you manage in the short term? Remember, the meds can only do so much, you have to stay as positive as you can and keep telling yourself you can beat this :)

29-08-13, 23:42
Thanks Kitti i have diazepam but iam not take it i dont want.. 2-3 months arent to much to feel the real benefits?The peoples said 4-6 weeks.

30-08-13, 00:19
Well I guess it varies from person to person...I did start to feel much better in 4-6 weeks but I noticed a bigger improvement at about 3 months. I was taking diazepam too, when I felt really bad it did help but is up to you...hang in there and things will get better.

30-08-13, 00:27
Thanks Kitti! xxx

30-08-13, 00:58
Hi, 1 week on venlafaxine is very early days hun, it can take anything up to 12 weeks to kick in properly but you should notice a difference between 4 to 6 weeks, remember you are withdrawing off a med as well so its hard to distinguish what is causing what so just hang on in there for a while longer, i also used diazepam to help, 300mg of venlafaxine is quite a high dose so don't rush to get there as you might find your fine on a lower dose once you stabilize x x

30-08-13, 10:46
Thanks Nicola!!
I noticed that its appeared and tinnitus is this a side effect?

30-08-13, 11:57
Yes Tinnitus can be a side effect George...I never had it at all from the Ven but I think that too should pass. Hope you have a good day :) oh, and try to stop 'checking yourself' all the time! Try to carry on as best you can and tell yourself these things are normal and will pass soon. Kitti x

30-08-13, 13:45
Thanks very much Kitti!!
I respect your help xxx

31-08-13, 09:24
Hi when will my mood go up?
I dont have any mood :weep:
8 days on venlafaxine and mood swings :weep:

31-08-13, 15:56
this can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, like I said before it took nearly 3 months for me to really notice the benefits of Ven and I was very up & down for the first few weeks. This is normal ok, you have to give the drug time to stabilise in your system first. You will get there, just takes time ;)

31-08-13, 16:19
I'm one of the annoying types who doesn't get side effects but I got better twice on 300mg. I've never heard of jumping from 150 to 300. You could give it a while longer on 150 and go up to 225? My psych waited 2-3 weeks before increasing my dose.

Hope you feel a whole lot better soon.

31-08-13, 16:53
Today is the 9-th day on Ven and i am feeling bad i don't know why,I am anxious and my mood its very low.
Yesterday i was better but today I am not feeling so good.My doctor said to increase my dosage from 150 mg to 300 mg but i am waiting to see if the 150 mg will be fine for me, but for now i am not ok on the 150 mg :sad:
I noticed that i have some days that i am fine and other days i am not...Is this normal?

31-08-13, 22:38
George, you have only been 9 days on the Ven so it really is still very early days....you will have some good days and some not so good, so yes, this is normal. I would personally still wait a bit longer before increasing your dose. See how you are feeling in a couple of weeks ok.

150mg is quite a high start dose and 300mg is a very big dose...please give the meds time to settle and you should find the SE's start to subside in the next week or so. If you don't then maybe chat to your doctor about the increase.

Take care :)

31-08-13, 22:52
I try not to think about it Kitti but is difficult :(

31-08-13, 23:05
I do understand George, the first few weeks are the hardest with side effects and also you probably still have some withdrawal effects from the seroxat. I really do hope you feel better soon :)

31-08-13, 23:08
I hope too Kitti thanks very much!

01-09-13, 18:11
10th day on Venlafaxine!!Today was my worsed day :((
Very bad depressed and anxious :((

01-09-13, 18:59
Hi George as Kitti says the first few weeks are the hardest particulary as you will also be suffering withdrawal off the seroxet and started on a high dose of venlafaxine, just stick with it, i found venlafaxine to be a good med but quite slow acting x x

01-09-13, 19:03
Today i thought that i am going crazy Nicola :(
I was all the day outside , i went at the forest with my girlfriend but didnt help after that we went for eat and after went for a coffee and nothing :((

10-09-13, 22:48
Hi i had 4-5 days in a row feeling good but today i am little anxious!
Is this normal?
I am 3 weeks on Venlafaxine (2 weeks on 150 mg and 1 week on 225 mg)

12-09-13, 14:25
After the 4-5 good days now my mood is again low :(

18-09-13, 16:59
From Saturday i am on 300 mg daily.I have very low mood i don t know maybe depression??
My anxiety also get worse and i don t know what to do more...
I started the Venlafaxine at 23 August 150 mg then at 3-rd September increased on 225 mg and from 13-th September i am on 300 mg!!

18-09-13, 18:39
George, in less than 3 weeks you have changed medication and increased ven twice to quite a high dose.

I think it is natural that you are going to suffer side effects like increased anxiety and mood changes. It does take a while for things to settle and dose increases can upset the balance again....so each time you increase, more to cope with.

I know it is hard, but try to focus less on yourself, don't 'tune in' to every thought and feeling, just tell yourself this is normal and it will pass.

Perhaps discuss with your doctor if you feel the dose is too high for you? And please give it some time...I am sure you will start to feel better soon :yesyes:

Big hugs :bighug1: Kitti xx