View Full Version : Anxiety Medication Problems

28-08-13, 18:14
Hi i'm currently taking Mirtazipine i was on 15, then 30mg then just yesterday i decided 30mg was too strong so i came back on to 15mgs. My worry is that i am absolutely exhausted even if i sleep early 9/10pm i'm still waking up at around 12am feeling drained as if i'm dying no joke as dramatic as it sounds lol don't get me wrong it has helped my anxiety so much i posted here about it before i felt so lost and i'm finally back to myself just a more tired version that feels like he's dying when he wakes up and can literally barely move, i'd dare to even say paralytic... Anyways i've been off college for the Summer and i start back on Monday and the thought of having to be awake so early is killing me, will the 15mg maybe alone solve this? I've also gained some weight but i was too skinny anyway so that's not bothering me yet. Anyways hope someone can help me with this and i appreciate any response even if it's to call me crazy :-D lol

28-08-13, 23:25
Are you sleeping through your alarm? Or do you just sleep in?

Also. Are you exercising regularly?