View Full Version : Anexity symptoms? Help?

28-08-13, 18:32
Right so I've got so many anexity symptoms its unbelievable, I'm Gona write a few if anyone can tell me itis actually anexity then please do I'm sick of it all now! Headaches, blocked/full feeling in ears, pain in face/head (like electric shocks) a sense of dizziness where the inside of my head feels like its spinning, feeling off balance. When I have panic attacks I get hear racing hot and cold flushes feel shakey and all sorts I've been to the docs with all my anexity symptoms and they tell me its just anexity and stress but I'm just living a Fukin lie I'm terrified something terrible is going to happen to me! And now I've got the point where I'm sick of it I have something new everyday to worry about its pathetic & I'm going away Saturday and I'm terrified something's going to happen why I'm in Tenerife & ill end up in hospital or something :( can't anyone help me please? I'm only 18 I'm ment to be enjoying life not hating it!!!!

28-08-13, 18:40
I feel for you that's how I feel ,I go the doctors to be told the same it is very scarey all these symptoms theres not aday goes by were I don't have symptoms anxiety I hate it ,lets hope we can start to feel better ,I tell myself its not beating me I will win one day :)

28-08-13, 18:53
Yeah I wish it would go away but it feels never ending, I should be looking forward to going away not feeling lie I don't want to :( xxxx

28-08-13, 20:37
Have you had anything happen that would cause you to start feeling anxiety? Generally speaking, anxiety symptoms - and yours sound exactly like anxiety symptoms - begin when an overly anxious person cannot stop worrying.. it doesn't even need to be about your health.

My health anxiety began because of emotional stress that kind of hit all at once. It built up within me, without me realizing it. Once I started having physical symptoms, my brain latched onto my physical symptoms, which created a spiral of problems. The more I worried about my symptoms, the more I needed an answer or reassurance. This is almost an OCD thought pattern. The added stress of having unanswered questions and sensations further drove my health anxiety.

Unfortunately, for many of us, myself included, this is a lifelong battle. Hypochondriacs and GAD sufferers tend to either live life in the past (via guilt, low self esteem issues, past regrets) or in the future (feeling the need to be hyper-defensive about issues such as your health). But there is light at the end of the tunnel if you chose to work for it. Recognize that you are causing these sensations yourself. Accept that they are just sensations and feelings and they will not hurt you. Dismiss them as trivial. Look into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness. Look into meditation. Learn to shift your focus from your self and your own bodily aches and pains, back to the experience of life around you.

It makes more sense to live in the present tense.:) Good luck!

28-08-13, 21:08
That's alot if help thank you, my anexity started when my grandma passed away as I was with her the day it all happened, ever since then I always want to be with my family & I'm always frightened something terrible will happen to me, or them for that matter I'm petrified of hospitals & I constantly upset myself & make myself feel ill & give myself weird sensations, I fight with it and try to pass it off but sometimes it gets the better of me xx