View Full Version : Only working 16 hours a week am I entitled to any benefits???

28-08-13, 19:15
I was just wondering if there are any benefits I'm entitled to as I can only work 16 hours at the moment x

28-08-13, 19:43
Do you have children?
You should be entitled to housing and council tax benefit.

28-08-13, 20:02
I have no children and live with my parents x

28-08-13, 20:35
if you work 16 hours that is classed as full time - well what I mean is the cut-off is 16 hours so no you won't get any benefits

28-08-13, 20:41
If I worked less than 16 hours would I be entitled than x

28-08-13, 21:06
Well not necessarily no - particularly if you made it that you worked less than16 hours just to get benefits.

It also depends on N.I. contributions and other factors as well as to what if anything you can get.

28-08-13, 21:08
You might find this helpful Hayley https://www.gov.uk/benefits-adviser