View Full Version : Can't shake this fear of lung cancer

Tracy Dixon
28-08-13, 20:47
Hello, as a new member here I hope I go across NMP in the correct manner! I feel quite nervous coming on here as it seems easier to just keep my problems to myself as I have become very ashamed of how I think and feel, ok so let me begin!... I'm 33 years old and for many years I have found many illnesses to obsess over, I always presume that even something so trivial could be something massive(usually cancer) I am for sure diagnosed with IBS which progressively gets worse, quite possibly because of my HA, I've never approached a doctor about my irrational feelings because I'm to ashamed to admit it to anyone therefore this goes untreated although a GP did suggest once that I needed anti depressants to control my IBS, anyhow, at the start of new year I became ill with a cough and cold which took a good couple of months to pass, because of the lingering cough I started to believe I had lung cancer and did the worst you can do and looked for advice on the net and sure enough my symptoms fit! The productive cough(no blood), pain under right shoulder, lower right ribs, slightly breathless, I began having random body pains, sometimes aches in joints/bones/muscles that would linger for days, or sharp sudden shooting pains through out my body,and pins and needles in back, shoulders, arms and fingers, because of these pains I convinced myself that the lung cancer had spread to my bones, it's a vicious circle really! I had seen my GP about the lingering cough and they didn't seem concerned really! Just listened to my chest and back and said things seemed crystal clear, but of course this hasn't convinced me in the slightest! I'm ashamed to admit I am a smoker of 15 a day, I will stop I keep telling myself but there never seems to be an appropriate time but I know I just put it off! My mother has copd so I need to do this for myself and children. I need to get over this lung cancer fear but I know I'll move on to something else to obsess over, thanks for taking your time to read my post x

28-08-13, 21:02
Tracy, I completely feel your pain! I have a different illness to worry about on a daily basis. Your story of the lung cancer worry sounds identical to my current fears (I have very similar symptoms) I have found over the last few days excersise, reading and keeping myself completely busy has helped.

Tracy Dixon
28-08-13, 21:20
Thanks for your reply Hannah, it's good to know I'm not alone, I often think I'm utterly bonkers ha ha! I try convince myself I'm to young to be poorly but the fear takes hold of any positive way of thinking! I have two very small children that are my "exercise!" I do do things I enjoy but no matter what these thoughts reoccur. I will concur this... Somehow!

02-09-13, 16:26
Hi Tracy I can relate to you aswell.. I do not have a cough but I do smoke and get pains in "my lungs"..My mother too has COPD a mild form.. every time I smoke I think oh I'm one step closer to lung cancer or lung disease... I'm goin to try quit smoking starting tomorrow but I'm scared as you hear stories of people giving up then getting lung cancer and dying so it's kind of c lose lose situation scared to smoke but afraid to quit x

02-09-13, 17:52
Hi, I have same fear, I am now obsessing over Pancoast tumour as my arm and shoulder have been hurting for weeks and painkillers aren't helping. Had chest xray in January which was clear but I am still so scared x

02-09-13, 19:20
The mind is an interesting animal. Think about what it comes up with in your dreams. It is the most powerful organ in our bodies. Stronger than the largest muscle and more cunning than anything or anyone.

It's no surprise that your mind can manufacture events and things that present themselves as real. That's what HA is and what you describe. There is no doubt you're feeling these pains and symptoms. However, the mind also can physically manufacture things when it gets carried away. That's also some of the pain and symptoms you describe.

It's important that you discuss this with your doctor. There are therapies, self help and otherwise, as well as drugs if need be that can help you get a grip on this.

You mentioned needing to do something about your smoking for your own sake as well as for your children. You also need to do something concerning your anxiety for the very same reasons.

Take the first step! Break the cycle that holds you captive! You can and will do this!

Positive thoughts and prayers

Tracy Dixon
24-09-13, 21:13
Thank you so much for the replies, I'm still putting myself through hell and back, I wish I was "normal"! Dawnieb12 did you manage to stop smoking? I have set a stop date for this Thursday! I hope I manage to succeed! I do believe smoking feeds my anxiety, I'm still convinced I have lung cancer, the pains in my right shoulder are just as bad and they often wrap around my lower right ribs, also my voice is hoarse and crackly but I don't know if this is just the effects of smoking, I do have a query though if any one can give me an answer to this? I have back problems, have done for 7 years after a whip lash type accident causing severe mid upper back problems (T4 thoriac syndrome I think it's called!) the doctors have never given me a scan just physio and manipulation to which neither have helped, could the shoulder arm and rib pain be refered pain from this site? Some input on this would be much appreciated!...fishmanpa thank you so much for your post I took some comfort from it!

25-09-13, 03:26
I am in the same boat as some of you. I also have smoked for about 18 years and have anxiety about lung cancer and breathing issues or any type of cancer for that matter. It's strange how the anxiety and continuous worry is not enough to quit smoking. It's a hard addiction to brake. I did quit a week and a half ago. Yay for me! Hopefully it sticks. I have quit before any times. Anyways good luck to all of you! I know what your going though.

25-09-13, 11:56
I am in the same boat as some of you. I also have smoked for about 18 years and have anxiety about lung cancer and breathing issues or any type of cancer for that matter. It's strange how the anxiety and continuous worry is not enough to quit smoking.

This is a paradigm I see on these boards more often than not. So many have irrational fears of sickness and disease, yet they smoke or drink or participate in an activity or behavior that puts them at risk for illness!

It's a fact that drinking alcohol can aggravate anxiety issues and is not recommended while taking many psychotropic drugs yet there are posts of those complaining about how they're not feeling well because they were out drinking! Are you kidding me?!

Then there posts like the above. A fear of cancer and breathing/lung issues yet they smoke!

I was a smoker (cigarettes, pipe, cigars) for 35 years of my life. I partied hardy in my youth and adulthood and I don't deny it. Well guess what? I got that cancer many of you fear! Oral cancer of the head and neck. Nice eh? Three surgeries, nerve issues due to the surgeries, 6 weeks of radiation, chemo and all the wonderful side effects you can imagine from treatment. I won't sugar coat it, IT SUCKED and still does. I cannot put into words how difficult the last 9 months have been. Ohhhh... let's add that my cancer was HPV related! I obviously picked up that little gem of a virus along the way too. HPV related oral cancers are becoming more and more prevalent and are quickly becoming the main cause of head and neck cancers of non smokers. 90% of the sexually active population has been exposed. There is a vaccine that's very effective... GET IT!

I had the heart attacks many of you fear. The surgeries you freak out about and the cancer that scares the hell out of you! YOU DON'T WANT THIS I ASSURE YOU!

If this post scares you...GOOD! That's my intention. You're here because you already suffer from an illness. If you want to realize your greatest fears, then continue to smoke and drink... go right ahead. 99% of the time, your fears are unfounded, but continue to smoke and drink and you may become part of the 1%.

Stepping off my soap box

26-09-13, 01:52
I appreciate you trying to "scare us" but I think all of us already know what could happen if we keep smoking or drinking. If you didn't notice I did say I quit smoking a couple weeks ago. I'm doing the best that I can and someone that used to smoke should know that all to well. I come here to not be judged and let people know there are some people going thru the same things. I deal with a lot of anxiety and not only about breathing issues and lung cancer. I do not come here to be more anxious. Not really sure why I was singled out but I was only saying what the others where thinking. Oh and as for the HPV yeah already have that STD but thanks for the advice.
Now I will get off my soapbox.

26-09-13, 17:19
I can relate to body pains for the last 2yrs I've had them on and off, tight throat, lump in throat, gosh so much more too, hugs as I'm just the same as you. This health anxiety is bloody awful x

---------- Post added at 17:19 ---------- Previous post was at 17:16 ----------

This is a paradigm I see on these boards more often than not. So many have irrational fears of sickness and disease, yet they smoke or drink or participate in an activity or behavior that puts them at risk for illness!

It's a fact that drinking alcohol can aggravate anxiety issues and is not recommended while taking many psychotropic drugs yet there are posts of those complaining about how they're not feeling well because they were out drinking! Are you kidding me?!

Then there posts like the above. A fear of cancer and breathing/lung issues yet they smoke!

I was a smoker (cigarettes, pipe, cigars) for 35 years of my life. I partied hardy in my youth and adulthood and I don't deny it. Well guess what? I got that cancer many of you fear! Oral cancer of the head and neck. Nice eh? Three surgeries, nerve issues due to the surgeries, 6 weeks of radiation, chemo and all the wonderful side effects you can imagine from treatment. I won't sugar coat it, IT SUCKED and still does. I cannot put into words how difficult the last 9 months have been. Ohhhh... let's add that my cancer was HPV related! I obviously picked up that little gem of a virus along the way too. HPV related oral cancers are becoming more and more prevalent and are quickly becoming the main cause of head and neck cancers of non smokers. 90% of the sexually active population has been exposed. There is a vaccine that's very effective... GET IT!

I had the heart attacks many of you fear. The surgeries you freak out about and the cancer that scares the hell out of you! YOU DON'T WANT THIS I ASSURE YOU!

If this post scares you...GOOD! That's my intention. You're here because you already suffer from an illness. If you want to realize your greatest fears, then continue to smoke and drink... go right ahead. 99% of the time, your fears are unfounded, but continue to smoke and drink and you may become part of the 1%.

Stepping off my soap box

I don't think this is helpful.. I'm sure she didn't come here for a lecture and already is aware of the risks

27-09-13, 10:28
My post was not directed at any one individual or meant to taken personally. But, as often happens in a forum setting, there are those that will take it that way.

I stand by my words. For one to post about anxiety issues concerning their health, and to continue to engage in activities that aggravate or put themselves at risk for the very health issues they fear is counter productive to put it mildly.

How one cannot see the forest through the trees in this situation is beyond me.

Good luck.

27-09-13, 11:24
I think Fishmanpa's comments regarding the paradox are perfectly valid.

If you fear lung cancer but continue to smoke, then surely there comes a point when you have to figure out why the grip of the addiction is stronger than your fear of the illness.