View Full Version : Something a bit different. Not for everyone but I've really seen results

28-08-13, 20:49
This might come over a bit crazy or something. What is for one person is not for everyone. However. Wanted to share a bit on here about how I've been doing recently.

The answer? Right on top of the world. My anxiety has decreased so much that I'm not longer taking painkillers every day. I've gone from taking painkillers every day at work about half an hour into the day, to nothing - I don't even have any in my bag "just in case". I'm no longer thinking about death every day. I'm no longer obsessing over every single thing. If a bad thought comes to me I can kill it pretty soon after, I'm not letting it weight me down. I'm happy, feeling more confident than ever and hoping that it stays this way. Life is good and I'm feeling very fortunate and grateful.

I last posted on this forum in January. I was really struggling back then, in a mental fog, feeling like I might lose it any moment but I managed to not go back on antidepressants. I had a goal, you see. 5 years ago I went to the rain forest Peru where I took part in some sacred ceremonies. It was intense, but afterwards I felt peaceful and was able to see things in a different light. However, what I did not do was state an intention. I didn't ask for healing as I was relatively new to the spiritual path (which has helped me a lot in other ways) and although I felt 'better' it didn't last. Modern life and the craziness that ensues began to eat away at me again soon after arriving home. I craved quiet and soon slipped back into depression and anxiety. Anxiety is the worst, I've discovered.

Anyway, getting back to the story. It so happened that an opportunity to do the same kind of ceremony was in the pipeline, just without the flight to South America.

That was at the end of June. I was on a week's holiday from work. 4 days beforehand I took my last painkillers and spent the next few days chilling out and talking myself through it. And then I did the ceremony, with some trusted friends. I asked for healing this time, to be free of the anxiety and depression. And things changed.

I've started to get my old self back. Started taking care in my appearance again, started feeling like *I matter*. Started feeling joy, feeling hopeful, even when things didn't go my way. This was so lost at the start of the year. And it's not always easy, but things are better now.

I did a search on the topic here but could see nothing. But I really wanted to share my experience with others. It's damn difficult getting through this but there are other ways. I think this particular medicine should be available to everyone, but there are a lot of legal implications in most countries. Also, you need to stay off many types of medication especially anti-depressants as it can be dangerous to mix these. But, done safely you can see such amazing results. I am proof of that.

28-08-13, 21:25
You didn't say what the ceremony was or what it involved.

Glad to hear you're feeling a lot better.

28-08-13, 21:33
Google 'ayahuasca'.

28-08-13, 21:56
Knew I recognised that word. DMT is mentioned a lot, as is psilopsybin (think I spelt that wrong. The psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms). both have been found to induce long-term positive health benefits via spiritual experiences.

what puts me off is the possibility of being more anxious after taking it.

28-08-13, 22:17
I've never tried mushrooms, or anything else remotely illegal lol. Always been very anti 'drugs'. But aya is an entheogen, not a drug, and I'm so grateful to have experienced her.

I understand, and I was worried this time around about what might happen, that things might get worse instead of better. Especially given that we weren't in the camp, being taken care of. It can be terrifying, and my experience in Peru was pretty intense. This experience was much more gentle, I wasn't sick and got a lot of healing. But it was very profound and worked on through me for a long while after the initial ceremony ended. I've been looked after so well, I give her a lot of thanks. I felt pretty vulnerable a couple of days later, when I was back at work (took the first day after off, and I needed it!) and did have some anxious moments for a while but was able to take myself off to the bathroom and breathe through it. And it's just gotten better.