View Full Version : how many of you suffer with balance problems hopefuly due to anxiety

28-08-13, 21:29
just as above. is it constant,sometimes or very rare. mines sometimes. also fell like im rocking

28-08-13, 22:10
I get this alot i feel like im going to fall over sometimes its one of my worst symptoms i no how u feel

28-08-13, 22:14
I have this 24/7 it's horrible

29-08-13, 11:05
Finally some other people with balance issues..
I feel like dizzy but not faint... like im walking on marshmallows...
I also get this awful dizzy jolt where I feel like bam, im suddenly dizzy for about 2 seconds which then puts me off kilter.. I am so worried its some sort of seizure :( I've had a clear mri and ECG but it still scares me..

29-08-13, 11:22
I've had this dizzy feeling for years, and the derealization feeling it's all anxiety related apparently mine gets a lot worse when I don't get enough sleep :( I think a lot of people get dizziness because there over anxious

29-08-13, 16:52
I have had this on and off for years. Absolutely hate it. :mad:

29-08-13, 19:54
I've gotten something similar quite a few times. To me it feels like the earth under my feet tilts in a random direction and I have to take a wider stance to balance myself.

29-08-13, 20:01
thank you guys for posting. yes the nails on the head. we are all the same. sometimes you feel like the only one. thanks again. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

29-08-13, 22:37
My partner suffers with anxiety and she has had this fairly often - she complains of feeling 'off-balance' and like she is leaning to one side when really she isn't, and sometimes gets very dizzy. She was reassured by docs that it's only an anxiety symptom and nothing to seriously worry about, so I'm sure you're fine! :)

Daisy Sue
29-08-13, 23:58
Yep, particularly the last few weeks.. what I feel is like a mixture of being drunk, and on a boat.. a strange swimmy feeling in the middle of my head. I've just started taking Kwells (mainly sold for travel sickness), I only take half a tablet twice a day, but it really seems to be helping that particular symptom.

10-09-13, 17:07
Glad I found this thread as been getting exactly the same pretty much constant last few days and usually only get it from lack of sleep or midst panic attack. Same as Daisy Sue, feel a bit drunk and on a boat with 'head fuzz' horrible :unsure: Has anyone else got IBS as been really bad last yr and wondered if icing on the cake!? (or delayed reaction from sedation I had for endoscopy few weeks back!lol) :)

10-09-13, 17:46
I've occasionally had a feeling like the floor was going down below me. Imagine jumping on a trampoline and then stopping so your feet are in contact with the netting but you feel it move up and down. It's one of my most disliked symptoms.

10-09-13, 19:28
Anxiety and balance problems are very closely linked, it's good to try and figure out if your balance problems are due to a physical problem or if they're just the result of anxiety.

In my experience doctors are too quick to tell you that the balance issues are stress related when actually that may not be the case at all. I thought for years that I was making myself dizzy with anxiety when actually I genuinely did have a balance issue. It's not been properly diagnosed yet, but it is suspected migraine associated vertigo - basically a chronic migraine problem where I don't really get a severe headache but instead I have balance problems and dizziness as well as lots of other weird symptoms on a daily basis.

In my experience doctors also don't know a huge amount about balance or dizziness/vertigo and it can be best to try and talk to a specialist. In my case the person who helped me out was a physiotherapist who specialises in Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy and knew so much more about balance than my GP or ENT.

The VRT therapist was able to assess my balance and tell me what areas I had problems in, then over time they helped me articulate exactly what kind of symptoms/issues I was having and when they were triggered - at the beginning it was impossible for me to do this because I was so confused & overwhelmed with what was happening. The exercises & help they gave me have been invaluable in getting my life back again, although I still have a lot of challenges.

If you have a genuine inner ear or other problem that affects your balance then anxiety is a natural reaction in your brain & body to mixed up signals and disorientation. There's nothing you can do about that kind of anxiety except to understand it and not let it grow into anything worse.

When I go outside on a bad balance day everything will look bright and odd, and the world bounces up & down as I walk, and I might have difficulty looking at patterns/movement/crowds - as a result this sense of unease can grow in my body because of these unusual things happening, my brain is confused. But because I understand all that now this anxiety stays at a low level and doesn't turn into anything worse, and often it will dissipate as I go on my way. But in the past I didn't know what was happening, all I knew was that I felt a bit odd and very anxious, and that anxiety grew into a much bigger fear sometimes panic. I thought I was having anxiety & panic for no reason at all, I thought that I was the root of the problem and couldn't figure out what was going wrong.

For anyone who has balance issues of any sort I'd strongly suggest that you go to a balance specialist to have a chat about it and have your balance assessed. People who do Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy can do this for you. You can also take a look on vestibular.org for more information or people in your area who may be able to help you.