View Full Version : Every symptom known to man?

28-08-13, 23:47
Hey everyone, I'm Carl and I'm new to this site, first of all I can't believe how man people actually have these issues, at times you feel like you're the only one. I'm 25 and I've suffered with Health Anxiety and Panic Attacks on and off for 3 years. I'm currently stuck in a rut which I'm struggling to get out of again, experiencing daily panic attacks and sensations such as a tight chest and throat, weakness, dizziness, extreme fatigue, derealization, palpitations, racing heart, sweating etc etc. as well as this I seem to wake up each day convinced that something dreadful is going to happen to me and I could die at any minute. Now I know how ridiculous that sounds but trying to convince your mind that is extremely tough, I almost feel as though my mind is programmed in an irreversible way to believe all this nonsense. In my time I've tried CBT I take beta blockers for anxiety attacks when I have them and I've had a trip to the hospital the first time I had an attack where I had two ECGs and was told my heart was ok. So what is the key to stopping this once and for all, it already feels better knowing I'm not alone but right now my life is not fun at all and I find myself most days stuck in the house being held hostage by this anxiety.

If anyone can relate to this or help it would be much appreciated

---------- Post added at 22:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:44 ----------

I also forgot to mention that I suffer from a condition called Pectus Excavatum which I also get really anxious about. I worry that it affects my heart and lungs and have basically become obsessed with it an every symptom I get, my mind autistic ally thinks its serious

Dizzy dog
29-08-13, 00:28
Hi Carl I to get all these very horrid panic symtoms and I find it so hard to believe its anxiety but even when I do ,it still comes back the daily roller coaster still goes on so I truly feel for you. I do hope you have someone to support you.

29-08-13, 00:31
Hey Drizzy, I know exactly how you feel, you go to bed at night hoping for a better tomorrow but the struggle seems to continue no matter how hard you try. Thankfully for me my Mum has always been there to help me as she had similar problems when she was younger, she's keeping me sane right now but I need to learn to conquer this once and for all on my own. I'd do anything for a normal life

Dizzy dog
29-08-13, 00:51
They say keep doing all the positive things and it will stop you have to be strong and make yourself believe its so bloody hard but we must do it. I'm so glad you have your mum stay strong.

29-08-13, 19:59
Hey Carl.
What you are describing matches what I'm feeling too all the time, and despite lots of tests I still believe it's my heart or something serious. It was so bad last night, I didn't sleep at all as I was too scared to go to bed thinking id die in my sleep, and now today with no sleep it's even worse. I'm also suffering from GERD which I believe was caused by the anxiety so that adds its own symptoms into the mix.
I know what you mean about the self talk being hard to see results but I really do believe it helps. And some days are noticeably better than others, I try to tell myself every day that goes by without something serious happening means its more likely all caused by anxiety and not something sinister. My doctor told me a while ago 'bad things get worse, not better' so if you have a good day with few symptoms it's another argument against it being a serious condition. Sometimes that helps to ease my mind.

29-08-13, 20:40
Sounds exactly like me, Carl. You are so not alone. I wish I had the magic words to make it better, but I'm afraid I don't.

30-08-13, 04:00
i can totaly relate to this, i feel exactly the same and have done for the last month, makes me feel like a crazy person. wake up every morning thinking 'this is it, im going to die of a heart attack or something' and am anxious all through the day and any little feeling i get in my body freaks me out. H/A and anxiety in general is a b!#ch! but we can all get through it even though it seems so hard right now... hope you feel better soon :)

03-09-13, 15:17
Thanks for the support guys, I'm thinking of going to like a group meeting with people who have this, does anyone know of any in the London area? It's about time we beat this once and for all and instead of it managing us, we manage it. Hope you are all doing ok

---------- Post added at 15:17 ---------- Previous post was at 15:15 ----------

I think also that the fact so many people have these problems should in turn convince us that it is just anxiety. We can't all be fatally ill surely!

03-09-13, 16:15
I know exactly how you feel, I'm convinced I'm going to die of a heart attack everyday! And just when I feel better and don't think about it, I experience symptoms like stabbing pains in the chest or palpitations and it ruins my day as I am so frightened of having a heart attack