View Full Version : Liver disease panic because of the news!

29-08-13, 01:28
I just saw on the news that people can have liver damage and not have any symptoms, and I'm panicking because I used to drink a quarter of vodka in one evening about 2-3 times a month. I grew out of it and haven't done so since about January. I didn't drink at all inbetween those times and I don't take illegal substances or smoke.
I feel normal, except I sometimes get pains in my sides (both sides, wouldn't it only be on one side if it was my liver) and I feel quite tired the last week, but then I'm worried about Syria and stuff and I stay up late, and have been studying a lot.
I'm only about 5'3 and size 16, so somewhat fat but not ridiculous, and I'm trying to improve that recently as well.
Am I seriously likely to have liver disease from any of this? I do take Milk Thistle and a multivitamin with probiotics, and eat a reasonable amount of fruit and vegetables, especially recently. My eyes and mouth are normal coloured but my fingers look slightly yellow in certain lights. :huh:

29-08-13, 08:13
The liver repairs itself so if you haven't drunk since Jan you will be fine I am sure.