View Full Version : are morning jitters/ racing thoughts a side effect?

29-08-13, 10:45
Hi I have been taking cit since the beginning of July, it was 10mg and after initially feeling good I had a big crash at about 6 weeks and was back at square one with awful anxiety and panic attacks.

3 days ago I upped dose to 20mg which i take in the morning, I 'think' it may be helping a little as i feel a bit better in the afternoons, but i am still finding sleep difficult and wake up at the slightest noise and find it very hard to sleep again. I wake up very early feeling jittery and nervy with racing thoughts. is this a side affect of cit? i am not sure what I am supposed to think about all this



29-08-13, 12:26
It sounds like normal Citalopram side effects, insomnia, morning jitters etc. They should settle down in time, have a read of the Citalopram guide on here. There are lots of people on the forum taking Citalopram and they don't mind others joining in a live thread and you are likely to get more support and advise that way.

29-08-13, 14:17
I didn't stay on this medication too long. But I took it at night and I found in the morning I felt sort of out of it, maybe half dreaming? Anxious and racing thoughts.