View Full Version : somthing else, why me?? armpit pain

22-10-06, 12:49
hi guys

since posting earlier i have started having a pain under my armpit and going down my arm, i think maybe adrenaline, i dunno any1 had this?

im so trying to stay in this good mood but my body is thinking otherwise!!!

leanne xxxx

i just wanna feel normal

22-10-06, 13:37
Hi Leanne

You have small glands in your armpit and also lymph nodes, sometimes if our bodies are a bit run down, stressed out or if your period is due then theses can get a bit swollen.

Mine came up in my left armpit a lot and I saw my doctor about it she told me it was nothing to worry about and the best cure was drinking water or herbal teas. This flushes the system out.

Also if you shave with a razor you can get an ingrown hair and this can cause a lump and pain but either way honey I am sure it is nothing to worry about.

If it still like it in a few days go see your doctor because it’s easer for someone else to look at your armpit rather than you crane your neck to have a look.

Love & Light

Sam x

22-10-06, 15:47
hi sam

thanks for replying, my whole arm seem sto be hurting now, im not really worried (for once) as im sure its just tention etc, but i am on my period so makes sense what u said, many thanks
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

22-10-06, 18:24
Hi Leanne

Hun dont worry about this, when my anxiety is bad my left arm is absolute agony, its been this way a long time, just tension. I used to think i was having a heart attack lol, now I find if I ignore it, it goes in a day or so. Hope this helps some

Mandy xx

positive attitude brings positive results

22-10-06, 19:02

Aching armpit is a common sympton of my anxiety, I get it quite alot.


22-10-06, 21:06

thanks so much for replying, i feel assured now, its a wierd one though. just feels kinda strained, hope its gone 2moro.

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal