View Full Version : dam dizziness

29-08-13, 18:17
does anyone else suffer dizziness everyday im sick and tired with it ,I can be ok one minute then bang dizzy it really scarey :weep: any advice anyone please ,just had enough

29-08-13, 18:46
Yep I get the same - suffered for years then finally diagnosed with Ménière's disease and re-occurring Labyrinthitis which has resulted in me being virtually house bound. I get drop attacks, total balance wipe outs, spinning inside my head so fast I just want to jump off a building to make it stop. Have you tried taking Stugeron from your GP? It helps calm down the balance system but can make you feel drowsy - the higher the dosage the more sleepy you will feel but it helps take the edge off.

29-08-13, 18:48
Yes Yes Yes!! I'm fine then all of a sudden I will have like a zap of dizziness... Like I'm falling for a second!! But I also get general dizziness where I feel dizzy for like the whole evening and I'm sat on a boat it's horrible :( lying down doesn't seem to make it better either :( what is your dizziness like? Do you think it's anxiety?

29-08-13, 18:54
:hugs:thanks for the replies makes me feel abit better ,well my doctor thinks its all anxiety just wish it would go ,but thanks again xxxxxxxxxxxxxx