View Full Version : One problem solved, another one starts??

29-08-13, 18:47
Is this just me? Every time I have a worry, and that worry is sorted I feel better for about half a day maximum and then boom, different symptoms, different worries and it starts again, argh.

Feel like I finally have a grip on my aneurysm fear, and my chest pain starts again. I already had back pain but it seems to be worse, my chest hurts to press in the centre along the breast bone, so its probably muscular but there's always a niggle in my mind.

I remember the things I've read, that women can have all the milder symptoms and even symptoms weeks before like fatigue, nausea, dizziness etc what I've been having. I've had 4 ECGs yet I always get these niggles. I also read upper middle stomach pain could be a sign, and now I have that!

This just feels so unfair, I want to be normal but as soon as I stop worrying about one thing I get pain somewhere else. And if the stomach pain isn't a heart attack, I'm sure it will be an abdominal aneurysm.

I'm not sure how much longer I can worry anymore, its so draining and upsetting, I'm at the end of my tether with it all, feel like theres simply no way out :(

29-08-13, 19:51
If it hurts more when you touch your chest. It's a sore muscle. I was dealing with the same a few months ago.

02-09-13, 16:20
I've had so many different health worries this year I'd say my doc is sick of seeing me lol but I'm the same I just got sorted with a chest problem now it's my mouth and throat it seems never ending x

02-09-13, 16:32
That's the nature of HA :(

The thing is, all the major physical symptoms of anxiety, if you look them up, are also the 'early stage' symptoms of just about everything under the sun! Stomach/digestive issues, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, palpitations, tingling/numbness, headaches, inability to concentrate, all of it - rely on Dr Google and you'd have 12 different things wrong with you at any one time.

I'm telling myself that once I get the results of this set of blood tests, I'll be able to stop worrying about what might be wrong with me, as they'll rule out pretty much anything 'left' that it could feasibly be. But in the back of my mind I know I'll find 'something else' (no idea what it will be yet, but something!) that I'll think it might be, that maybe the tests might have missed, or maybe the doctor didn't think of. The last set of blood tests was meant to rule out everything 'sinister' that it might be, and I was reassured for maybe a week before I started thinking of other things it might be that the tests hadn't covered - which is what this set of tests are doing now. Promising myself I won't go back to Dr Google, but...