View Full Version : Intense sensations and headache

29-08-13, 20:22
Hi all,

I noticed that when I go to sleep late for more days in a row or simply don't get enough sleep for some reason, I usually get these extreme sensations that come with a very strong headache. I know I've posted something similar before, but haven't really found an answer. Maybe it could be derealization? (as someone mentioned). I get a really strong headache, I'm totally exhausted, can only stay in bed the whole day. If I had to go to work I usually left after a few hours to go to bed. And the sensations are pretty quick, up to 30 secs at most, but extremely strong. It's like a feeling that I'm just not gonna make it, or die, or something, it's hard to explain. I feel a warmth coming down my left arm and sometimes on the right arm too. And it's like a small crackle or something in my head and after that I know I just have to survive the next 20 secs of horror. It's really very intense. And leaves me exhausted and with the headache. This can happen up to 10 or 20 times a day or night. When I'm sleeping I get this too and it usually wakes me up many times at night. It's crazy, like I'm a normal person with friends and hobbies and the next day I can't even get out of bed and I feel like I'm dying. Sometimes during the worst moments I'd probably rather be dead. Well, it just happened to me now. I walked across the room because I can't just stay seated. I feel like I get goose bumps on my body, my left arm had a warm sensation and inside I'm terrified. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a different world completely. In a world of extreme fear or something like that. Well the post is getting long, so just if anyone knows or feels the same sometimes, plz let me know. I know that when I go to bed early and try to get as much sleep as possible this doesn't happen...

29-08-13, 23:00
I have a similar thing if I have very disturbed sleep or several late nights. I have a horrible sensation in my head, plus a headache and feel I cant do anything but manage to get through the day. I definitely couldn't work like that and pain killers do little to help and going to sleep somehow feels scary because I don't fall completely asleep in the day just sort of drift still feeling the sensations. I feel like my head has a bit of a chemical feel to it or some things burnt out, sometimes I get sharp pains like nerve pain that shoots off in one area every now and the then. I also get a sensation like I am staring and find it hard to focus from one thing to the other feeling a bit disorientating. It is too bad to just carry on and ignore it. Not sure if that helps :)

30-08-13, 10:17
Hi rockydog,

actually it helped, thanks for sharing your feelings :). It does sound very similar to what I get, I was just nodding and agreeing with everything you wrote. It's weird how a few late nights can trigger such extreme sensations. Knowing that you're not alone always helps, for some reason...

Well I guess it's early bed times and a healthy lifestyle for us (which is not always easy).

Cheers man

30-08-13, 11:18
Yes that is true, sometimes I seem to be ok with it, but if I am having a set back or bad spell it is much worse. I think it depends on your energy levels and state of mind so don't despair it may go away again. I also have fibromyalgia and if that is bad then so is the head with lack of sleep. take care :)