View Full Version : 24 Hours in A&E - Channel 4

Daisy Sue
29-08-13, 21:19
I just watched the catchup of last night's episode, and wanted to share it with you guys here...

This particular episode features a young guy (amongst other stories) who presented at A&E with chest pain, and thought he was having a serious heart or lung issue..

The diagnosis was a surprise to him, but makes absolute sense.

Anyway, have a watch, & maybe some of you can gain some reassurance from this lad's experience - I think I have.

The link should take you to the right page, but if not, it's Series 3, episode 21.


29-08-13, 22:52
I saw that too, cool seeing the newbies again :) hopefully for him he will nip it in the bud before it gets bad.

29-08-13, 22:54
What about the guy who had HA and didn't believe the doctors as well

29-08-13, 22:57
I think the doctor diagnosing panic attacks explained it well too

29-08-13, 23:21
I think the doctor diagnosing panic attacks explained it well too

I thought that too, made it easy to understand the thoughts behind it.....I can talk about it now you have watched it :winks:

Daisy Sue
29-08-13, 23:24
Yes, I thought she was great.. she let the list of symptoms sink in before telling him the diagnosis - and I certainly recognised many of mine in that list!

I thought it odd that nobody mentioned the lad's previous illness when they were summing up the various stresses that could've led up to his panic attacks.

30-08-13, 07:35
Thanks for the link Daisy Sue. I'm watching now :)

That Doctor was amazing in doing all those tests to rule out stuff before diagnoses Panic attacks. She even went as far as to explain all about Panic Attacks to him.

31-08-13, 02:53
I just can't watch it. I miss so much on TV nowadays because I'm still not able to see anything distressing :weep:

It sounds like it was a good program though.

31-08-13, 10:35
I just can't watch it. I miss so much on TV nowadays because I'm still not able to see anything distressing :weep:

It sounds like it was a good program though.

It was great Auntie.

The Doctor went to great lengths to rule everything else out before diagnosing Panic attacks. She really was a good Doctor.:hugs: