View Full Version : took first steps to overcome but my mind won't let me

30-08-13, 00:32

so I have had these two softish little pea sized swollen nodes on my neck for the last 4-5 years. My head tells me there from my bout of gulandular fever still in me and everything else tells me its Cancer. Whilst my anxiety tells me its cancer the docs and the tinest sane part of my left tell me its fine they have been there so long.

3 months ago however my colleagues wife got the mumps when I asked what mumps do he said made your glands on the side of your neck hard and swollen. Low and behold I checked my glands since its so contagious and I came across a hard quite large lump. I poked and prodded for 3 months it started to get achey and I told myself I need to get this checked this could be serious which kind of put my other two tiny nodes into perspective I found myself wishing they were my only problem. So anyway went to the doc and he said he couldn't feel a lump but the muscles felt swollen. He said it could be a lump which he can't feel under my muscle or it is just the muscle which is swollen from my prodding. He told me not to touch it and gave me an ultra sounds referral to use if its not gone in two weeks.

My mind is now playing tricks, I haven't touched it for a whole week (an achievement for someone who has done so every day for 4 years) now however I think I can feel it aching. I feel like my head is saying were not letting you get over this anxiety if you won't touch it we shall find another way :(

Sorry to bore you but its a constant battle between my anxiety and my mind :(

31-08-13, 03:20
Hi there,

I just went through something very similar. I found a very hard lump under my chin in my throat and spent a week in bed worrying and googling! I just went to an ear, nose, and throat specialist that actually specializes in cancer specifically. I also felt like mine was aching after I stopped touching it, but in hindsight I really feel like it was because it was I was thinking about it so much. I do think if you had cancer for the past 4-5 years from those other lumps you would definitely have had symptoms by now!

Good for you for not touching it! That takes a lot of willpower I know! I'm sure if your doctor couldn't feel a specific lump you are okay, but at least you have the ultrasound to fall back on if it doesn't go away after not touching it. I truly know what you are going through since I just went through the same thing and was an absolute wreck. I know I might not be able to say anything that will ease your mind, but my lump was totally fine and he told me most lumps in the neck and throat area are. Try and stay positive and remember the doctor didn't feel anything terrible! I'm sure after not touching it for a while you might even find it went down on its own.

31-08-13, 10:46
Thank you so much for your reply.

I feel like um putting all my effort into overcoming this anxiety and its fighting back.

I would love to hear from others who perhaps are excepriancing the same thought s xx