View Full Version : Post-nasal drip, black lines in mucus.

30-08-13, 05:56
Okay so I seriously panicking now. I've been having on and off neck pain, ear pain, headaches and the globus sensation for 2 weeks~. Just now I felt the feeling of post-nasal drip and decided to have a look at the back of my throat to see if I could see the mucus. I could, within the mucus were these black squiggly strings.

Now I'm terrified I have no idea what it could be and I can't get to see a GP for a few more days. On the Internet it says it can be from smoking marijuana but I don't smoke at all, it also says it can be from sinusitis and the black discharge is from the infection necrotizing sinus tissues. The term "necrotizing" has me shaking like mad now. :(

30-08-13, 10:23
I apologise in advance if this reply crosses the line on being gross!

I have suffered post nasal drip for a long while, due to chronic allergic rhinitis. Basically, I have year 'round hayfever which clogs up my nose and causes the mucus to thicken up in the back of my nose and run down my throat. I sometimes get strings of blood in the mucus which can look a bit black depending on how old it is. Have you managed to cough any of it up? The blood is caused by minor tears in blood vessels because of inflammation.

I'm not a doctor, but it sounds like you may have an infection of some sort in your ears, nose or throat. I've had sinus infections which have caused similar symptoms. Can you contact your GP surgery via telephone and speak to the GP? Some will prescribe antibiotics after telephone triage.

30-08-13, 20:43
Another gross suggestion for you! (!) Your eyes, nose and throat are all connected...and I sometimes find that I have make up in my mucus when I blow my nose! E.g. if I'm wearing green eyeliner, as I often do, I'll find metallic green strings in my nasal mucus sometimes! Weirded me out at first but I've kinda got used to it now. Reckon yours could be eye make up related?