View Full Version : HELP I thought I was winning ...but then

22-10-06, 16:33
I have recently started CBT and am about 4 weeks into my course Much of my daytime anxiety symptoms had begun to disappear with the help of some great activities by my brilliant therapist. I was beginning to praise CBT as the panacea I had been waiting for but all is not well

I have started getting really intense nightmares and can wake up 2 or 3 times in the night sweating palpitating trembling almost at the point of panic and it then takes me an age to settle enough to get back to sleep

Is this a normal reaction - to control the daytime symptoms only for them to push their way back out at night when they are beyond my thought control ??

Hs anyone been through the same problem and does anyone have any advice hints or tips

22-10-06, 17:28
Hi there

This is very common as we have a build of issues/anxieties in the day then at night when we are relaxed and calm they can all come to the surface again.

Try to listen to a relaxation tape in bed before you go to sleep as this will calm the mind. Make sure the sleeping enviornment is as comfortable as it can be ...

Light – Use thick curtains or blinds. Make sure the room is dark. If you can’t do this then invest in an eye mask.

Noise – In our own homes we become accustomed to the general noises that go on overnight – e.g. passing traffic, birds, the milkman rattling bottles, aircraft noise, trains, and even simple things like the heating switching on/off. You may notice that you sleep better or worse when you go on holiday or to stay away with friends/relatives and even in a hotel. I find that my sleep is even worse in hotels as there are so many more noises that wake me up and hotels are never the quietest of places! You could get the room double-glazed to reduce the noise levels or may even consider ear-plugs. Be aware though that sometimes you need to be able to hear noise e.g. a fire alarm going off – so try not to cut noise out completely.

Bedroom Temperature – It is impossible to give an exact temperature that the room should be as it is a combination of the sleeper’s own temperature, what bedclothes the sleeper is wearing and the ambient temperature. Most of the literature I read suggested the room should be around 62F (16C). Cooler temperatures are generally appropriate and some people actually like to sleep with the window very slightly open (even in the winter). Overheating will disturb sleep and can damage the skin too.

Beds – You need to get the right bed and pillows to get a good night’s sleep. Mattresses should distribute the pressure evenly over the body. If the mattress is too hard then you may get pressure leading to numbing and pain. If it is too soft then the neck and spine sag causing muscle tension and pain for some. Pillows should support your neck as well as your head. Some people (myself included) are allergic to feather pillows so a hypoallergenic material is preferable. Pillows don’t last forever so change them at least every 2 years and turn them over occasionally.

Sleeping Posture – Your spine will be aligned if you sleep on your side or back but is twisted if you sleep on your stomach, perhaps with one leg drawn up, bent at the knee.

Clocks - Most of us nowadays have digital clocks but they are illuminated at night so you can always see what time it is! Most sleep experts advice against clock-watching – keep it turned away from you and then you can’t keep checking the time and worrying because it was only x number of hours since you last looked at it.

These other posts may reassure you too..

Night panic
Nothing like a panic attack at 3:30 am (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2701)
Sudden nighttime attacks (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=24)
Waking Up With A Panic Attack In The Night (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5211)
Bad Morning !!!!!!!!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5692)
Panic attacks during sleep. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5796)
It's Back! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5769)
Waking Startled at Night (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5951)
Panic Attacks....During Sleep (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6385)
panic attack in sleep (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7118)

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


22-10-06, 17:44
Excellent reply Nic :D

Lladdis this happens to me from time to time too and is most unpleasant. Try to deal with this the same way as other aspects of anxiety and don't give it more credence than it deserves! Hopefully it won't be long before it passes along.

I must say I am not good if I am hot at night and always sleep with a window open and even like to sleep with my feet out of the covers - when they do eventually start freezing I draw them up into the bed and that lovely feeling of warmth that creeps in really takes a lot of beating!!!! :D

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-10-06, 19:09
NIC and piglet
Thank you for the advice and the usefull links
I am sure I will get over this - If there is one thing CBT has given me its that determination to be rid of the ANX .with such nice nice people around supporting me too It is making the effort all worthwhile
Hugs all round XXX


23-10-06, 14:24
Hi there, can add nothing further than already been said, but you sound so very positive and are doing really well...Keep at it, it will ease, but it takes a little time xxxxjean

04-11-06, 09:01
I just called to mention the nights are getting better too
The dreams have actualy strted to become NICE ONES too
I wont go into too much detail cos they may cause a few people to blush ..lol
STICK at the CBT and despite the little hiccup I now know I am on the way to recovery
Big thanks to you all for the encouragement
I now feel like Ive been on a bit of a roller coaster - scary at first with the ups and downs but then it becomes one hell of an exciting ride one the track levels out a bit
The key is echoed in many parts of this Forum... STAY POSITIVE and see the nice things around


04-11-06, 17:10
Thanks for that, what a lovely post to read, am so happy things are slowly getting better, one day at a time and keep at it!!!! ps also keep us informed cos it helps so many people here..xxjean