View Full Version : Well,it's back again :(

30-08-13, 10:00
Good morning everyone

I have suffered with depression/anxiety since about the age of 16,i'm 28 now.

It comes in bouts really but it seems to be every 4 years or so.

This time it all started when my brothers girlfriend sent me a text asking how she could calm down from a panic attack and I stupidly asked her what her panic attack was about and she answered that she was scared of death and what happens after you die and all that kind of stuff. I actually didn't think about it again until a couple of days after then I had a massive panic attack and my anxiety back in full swing. I don't think I have slept more than about 20 hours this week and have barely eaten a thing. I just can't get the thought out of my head and it is terrifying me to the point where I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs but then I just think my everyone will think I have gone insane and that they might have me sectioned :weep:

Please help me!

30-08-13, 14:25
Hi Manx Kitty

I know exactly how you feel. You appear to be going along nicely and then out of no where another crash.
I was on this site in April in a desparate state and then somehow got through it. I have been fine since then until this Monday when I started to feel jittery. Now I am back in a desparate state again believing that I am going mad.
From what I have read, your thoughts are a symptom of anxiety (the fear of dying). For some reason your nervous system is tired and isn't resilient enough at this time to just leave the thought a bit like the song you cannot get out of your head.
What you need to do is just accept that the thoughts are there and not try to push them away.
If you want more help try the No more anxiety web site which gives loads of advice about anxiety and how to get through it.

Hope this helps a bit.


30-08-13, 16:46
If I think about stuff like that it always ends in a panic attack, not nice!

31-08-13, 12:12
I'm just scared that I am making myself ill now because I'm so stressed and anxious,my legs feel like jelly,I've been literally forcing food down even though I don't feel like eating :( I am a smoker and that is worrying me too because that is all I seem to be doing.