View Full Version : Not Great

30-08-13, 10:59
Hoping someone can help me! My anxiety has taken a whole new turn. I’m convincing myself I have Cancer and it has spread this is why my shoulders, arms, ribs, wrists and chest are hurting. I can’t stop crying and am finding it so difficult to sleep. I am seeing my GP on Wednesday, I am already having CBT but I can’t seem to put it into practice. I’m so aware of aches and pains and am constantly googling. I feel tired and have no concentration or enjoyment out of anything. I’m off on holiday next week for my sister’s wedding which should be a joyous occasion but I feel sad and scared to enjoy myself as I have a feeling that something terrible is wrong with me!

I'm worried that if I stop worrying and ignore these mild aches and pains something awful will happen. It's so self indulgent feeling like this and I feel incredibly guilty and self obssessed

I was going to ask my doctor to prescribe me something to take the edge off these awful thoughts but am worried as it will only be a week before I go, should I wait until I get back to take them as I hear the beginning of new meds is testing.

Thanks for reading. Feeling pretty desperate if any of you have ever or do feel like this please let me knoewL

30-08-13, 11:14
I'm worried that if I stop worrying and ignore these mild aches and pains something awful will happen

If you stop worrying and ignore the aches and pains they may just go away.:winks:

Have your checked your posture recently. How do you use the computer, where is it etc, are you constantly bent over to use it?

30-08-13, 11:35
Yeah I second that the more you get stressed the worse the pains will get in your body because I get aches and pains and twitches and alsorts everyday and it's definitely seems to get worse when I'm stressed, hope you are ok x

30-08-13, 12:10
Stop googling! It never did anyone any good. I'm convinced that 99% of all the symptoms anyone has ever had could potentially be linked to a serious illness, so you're never going to reassure yourself. Focus instead on doing some things that relax you and wait to see what an actual doctor says :) sure you're fine

harrys mummy
30-08-13, 14:53
We need to get doctor google struck off! Sending hugs to you x

30-08-13, 14:56
Stop googling, I do this and scare myself all the time but now I've decided I'm not going to google any symptoms again unless it's to reassure myself its anxiety, by writing anxiety after the symptom. Aches and pains is an anxiety symptom, I get it all the time, you clench your muscles when anxious, especially in your sleep and this gives you aches and pains the next day

30-08-13, 20:45
The more I think about my aches and pains, the more anxious I get...and then I tense up more, making the pains worse! When I have a bad evening, I run a hot bath and either read or listen to music while I'm in there - it relaxes me and makes me feel a whole lot better :)

30-08-13, 21:37
Thank you all! You've comforted me...I'm having a particularly bad time at the moment, feel sort of dis jointed from everything, almost like I'm in a daze. I'm gonna take your advice (about to run a bath) anxiety is a Sh*t isn't it! Xx

30-08-13, 23:04
Don't worry Hannah , you don't have cancer and everything will be ok , don't worry iv been in your boots before x