View Full Version : Really!!! never heard of this before!

harrys mummy
30-08-13, 14:51
Ok so we all know im convienced I have breast cancer although doc says its a infected duct and am on antibiotics, but, once again I typed my symptoms into Google but this time instead of breast cancer, inflamatory breast cancer came up!

What if the docs wrong and this is it, what if shes never heard of this before and doesnt know the symptoms! I just know its not going to clear up by the time 7 days is up and then i'll have to wait for a referral to a breast specialist and it will all be too late and there will be nothing they can do!

Im so sorry for ranting this thing is just cosuming my every thought x

30-08-13, 14:56
Docs are very good at spotting breast cancer. I know of 3 people that have/had it and each time it was found early and dealt with.

Try to keep calm - you are imagining the worst possible scenario and stop googling cos you are just getting more stressed over it.

30-08-13, 14:57
Did Dr Google not also tell you that inflammatory breast cancer is pretty rare? And therefore it's *unlikely* that this is what you have (versus quite *likely* that you have the much more common infected duct?)

If you've not finished your course of antibiotics you can't tell anything at all yet - you have to take antibiotics for a while for a reason!

30-08-13, 15:21
Google is an interesting thing. One can either look for negative things or positive things in the search results.

When you Google breast duct infection you get this:

Symptoms of breast duct infection:

Breast enlargement on one side only
Breast lump
Breast pain
Fever and flu-like symptoms including nausea and vomiting
Nipple discharge (may contain pus)
Nipple sensation changes
Swelling, tenderness, redness, and warmth in breast tissue
Tender or enlarged lymph nodes in armpit on the same side

Some of these symptoms most certainly mimic breast cancer symptoms. It's understandable that one might be anxious having one or more of these symptoms but that's why we go to the doctor. If indeed, this does not go away after a full course of antibiotics (remember, it can take a full week after finishing for all the symptoms to resolve), then another visit to the doctor and further testing would be warranted.

Positive thoughts and prayers
