View Full Version : Dizzy, had to sit down in a shop :-(

Female healthanxiety
30-08-13, 16:32
Goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when will this ever stop!!!?????

I had my FBC blood results today and they was all fine, my DR knows I have HA!

Have had the copper coil in for 6 months now, and 2 weeks before my due date, my HA is extremely bad.........

I was paying for something in a shop yesterday and out of nowhere, went dizzy, my vision went funny and I had to hold onto the glass counter as I was just about to faint - I had a sweat and then the woman asked if I was ok, I had to sit down. I was so scared to walk out back to my car, as I thought I would faint or have the same dizzy spell.....

---------- Post added at 16:32 ---------- Previous post was at 16:31 ----------

I also have a chest pain that has come on suddenly at work - its a real sharp achey pain, which has now gone ---- I ate pizza for lunch, not sure if that is anything to do with it......................


30-08-13, 16:48
I always get this, in fact its how my panic attacks started off badly. I kept having moments of going so dizzy and feeling like I'd pass out, and I have chest pains every day! Bloods were fine and I'm just waiting on some more tests for heart palpitations I have. It's definitely a super scary feeling!

Female healthanxiety
30-08-13, 16:51
Hello Millielaura,

thanks for your reply and I hope your anxiety is not as bad today? x

I just feel it makes me so recluse - I get scared to drive (I do everyday to work), don't want to go out - I just think to myself I would rather be indoors having this then out...........


30-08-13, 17:41
It's been okay today thank you as I've just been in the house- got a job trial tomorrow though, so thats kind of scary!

I know exactly how you feel, I get scared to walk anywhere, which I have to do to get to work and to uni everyday, over the summer holidays I've not been leaving the house whilst on my own, it seems more scary when outdoors where you can't immediately lie down. I'm hoping when uni goes back and if I get this job then I will be super busy and won't have as much time to think about it all! I used to always be going out with friends etc and now I just don't want to because of the dizzy feeling.

30-08-13, 18:40
This is exactly what my partner is going through at the moment, we have had to leave so many places because she is feeling dizzy like about to pass out, and she is much more comfortable at home and has had to quit her job because of it. Things that help her are feeling cool air on her face and having someone she trusts with her to make her feel safer, but we have had to avoid lots of things because of her feeling like this so I understand how frustrated you guys are. Hope it gets better and if you find anything that helps you please let me know!

02-09-13, 08:55
Yeah thats what I'm like. It always feels worse in public so have had to leave a lot of places because of feeling dizzy!