View Full Version : hi from ade the punk

22-10-06, 19:06
hi i am ade,41 from lancaster.i suffer very severe aural phobias as part of ptsd resulting from childhood abuse.i also suffer depression and suicidalness ,although my family is a beautiful antidote to it all.i have 2 lovely children (one is 12 weeks) both girls.i am married to a beautiful young woman called mig xx i am looking to give and recieve support
especially for anyone who was hurt as a child.i love black humour regarding my condition! i find it liberating .i love punk !
anyway love to you all ade xxxxxxxxxx

22-10-06, 19:07
Hi Ade

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely people here and get some great support.

Punk is cool!

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


22-10-06, 19:31
Hi Ade,
Welcome to nmp.Youll get lots of help,support and advise on here.You are not alone.
Take care
julie x

22-10-06, 19:34
Hi Ade !

A BIG warm welocme to you !

Lovely to see you here, im sure will find lots of advice and make some new friends on the way!



22-10-06, 19:59
hello ade


i was abused as a child i now help run a support group for survivors


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

22-10-06, 23:17
Coz I ..... wanna be ...... Anarchy,
Its the only way to be ......

Welcome Ade - I love punk as well even though I'm now a bit of an old bag but hey, I can still pogo.

Kay x

23-10-06, 00:20
Hi ade,

welcome to the nmp forum,its a great place to be when you need some support and just to have a moan aswell!!

Take care and keep smiling,Candie xx:D

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter by the way.

23-10-06, 01:36
Hello and welcome ade. I too suffer from depression and also panic disorder. I was abused as a child as well. I hope you find the support you're looking for here. I also love punk rock. Congratulations on your new baby girl. I have two kids as well.
Black humor is the only way I've made it this far.


polly daydream
23-10-06, 01:39
Hi Ade and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


23-10-06, 01:51
I am not sure how this really works so I shall just intoduce myself and make no apologies about any of it:-)
My panic started when I was 11-I am 34 now! I only really attempted to resolve the underlying issues of all of this about 2 years ago. My Doc thought I was suffering from PTSD as a result of childhood abuse and an unstable home lilfe. Anyway, I moved - took it no futher but the panic stopped-for two years. However, I am back in the grip of them again. The unfortunate thing about it this time is that the symptoms of it have changed - now I have this de-realisation and de-personalisation thing going on! sometimes I feel totally de-tatched from my son and my partner like they are not real and neither am I. I get this strange feeling in my tummy that won't shift and then the bad thoughts get out of control.
I do understand what these syptoms mean as I have now read up about it, and I would like to thank all of the people involved in and on this site and to those who have described their feelings- it realy, really is comforting.
Madness? I have moved once again to be nearer to my rock- my partner, and have also completed a college course and I am now at university. Everything is great! I am happy, I have stability for myself and my son, I have a future, but the panic is back!!! The foundations of this are my unresolved issues from the past. I seem to have intellectualised what happened to me, but no really truly allowed myself to feel all of it! I am now prepared to walk the walk and NOT just talk the talk....For the first time in my life I have followed my dreams and I am on a new journey. This time I will NOT deviate or run from it, I now know I deserve to embrace it! I aim to find my light and let it shine brightly...I don't have to be a prisoner any longer so I am letting go of the metaphorical shackles that I had inadvertantly wrapped around my spirit....'I WANT TO BE FREE BUT FIRST I HAVE TO SEE'
I think that understnding oursleves is so key. Understanding, where all of this comes from and then being involved enough in your life to try to re-learn how to 'be'!
Everyone has a bright light - we must not be afraid to allow it to shine!


23-10-06, 08:58
Hi Ade and Spirit,

A big warm welcome to both of you.

Take Care


23-10-06, 12:58
Hi ade and welcome,you will get some helpfull advise here and make some great friends.
Take care[:P]

Ellen XX

30-01-07, 23:25
Hi Ade

Just when you thought you'd snuck off....!

H ;)

31-01-07, 13:27
Hi Ade

Welcome to the forum you will get lots of help and support and feel very resured with things. My 15yr old son loves punk.

linda x