View Full Version : Chances of 20 year old Male having MS

30-08-13, 17:52
Im really worried about MS its always been a huge fear of mine, i also have really bad HA here are some of my symptoms.

Somtimes tingly fingers when waking up

muscle twitches mostly in legs

feel like my legs get more tired then they should when walking up stairs

and i have 2 black floaters in my vision

Please help! Im am wondering about my chances of having MS and do you think this sounds like MS? Thank you!

30-08-13, 18:28
I am 20 years old and also worry about MS and brain tumour. I have many brain tumour symptoms, but I notice my right hand sometimes feels stiff, and it's prickly. I don't know what causes it but it drives me crazy :(

I get twitches everywhere, and tingles in my left hand also. I don't know :( it all makes me nervous but I bet it's anxiety related

30-08-13, 19:16
I had this fear at you age too, I was constantly at the dr's, they were sick of me. I demanded a brain scan.

It's highly unlikely you will get it and you will get past this fear too.

30-08-13, 22:00
The problem with anxiety is , your body acts out the fears it has , please don't worry I am the same age and I have had this exact worry , you will be ok , Godbless

30-08-13, 22:15
my doctor told me anxiety can make you think you got anything and its true ive thought ive had alsorts wrong with me ,but when ive stopped focusing on it ,it goes away ,stay positive focus on something else you can do it :D