View Full Version : Can someone help please

30-08-13, 21:52
First I have all white in roof of mouth, couldnt get in doctors but nurse said it doesnt sound like thrush here is pic you can see white stuff back of throat and also a red looks like mark


then all white here


I keep getting told this isnt thrush but noone knows that it is on my tongue


can someone tell me its not thrush and its all okay and the red mark too is nothing to worry about, it looks sure but doesnt feel it

want a good weekend but am worried sick about it

Daisy Sue
30-08-13, 22:41
I couldn't tell much from the first 2 pics, but the 3rd one does look like a 'thrushy' tongue to me.. Don't let it spoil your weekend! Whatever it is, it doesn't look anything to worry about.

Maybe pop into a pharmacist's tomorrow and ask someone to take a look... there's probably something you can buy over the counter to help it.

30-08-13, 22:58
Hi definatley bacterial- maybe u need antibiotics - on tongue ,it does look like thrush!

Nothing that GP won't sort in an instant BUT until then & its not causing any other symptoms and your not in pain a good antibacterial mouth wash oraldene or lysterine - good brushing followed by a medicated mouth wash.

I would go docs if it doesn't improve!

30-08-13, 23:17
I had thrush 4 times during my cancer treatment. It's painful and it sucks but it's not life threatening and nothing to really be worried sick about. If it is, an anti fungal drug like Nystatin will take care of it in a jiffy. Unfortunately, one cannot diagnose from described symptoms and photos on the web although the white tongue is definitely a symptom.

A visit to the doctor is in order should it not clear up or gets worse.

Positive thoughts and prayers


30-08-13, 23:29
Oh god no thats what I was afraid of...doc said it wasnt :( Now am freaking out.

I got treated for thrush 3 weeks ago after anti biotics so shouldnt have it again unless I am,,,its not painful though???? I`ve had it for weeks and nyastin didnt change it. doc and nurse told me it wasnt thrush just coated tongue???

you can only see if when the flash on the camera goes off

---------- Post added at 23:29 ---------- Previous post was at 23:27 ----------

WISH hadnt posted the pics now was hoping it wouldnt be thrush
now I am panicking like mad
how can you trust docs and nurses when they tell you it isnt when it is?

30-08-13, 23:37
We cannot diagnose things from pics as they are not clear!

You need to listen to the doctor and not members on here to be honest.

30-08-13, 23:40
sorry just panicking
was on nyastin and didnt change my tongue at all, been like this for ages

30-08-13, 23:41
The reason I got thrush is because I had no saliva production due to the fact that I was getting radiation to my head and neck and my saliva glands shut down.

I repeat.... even if it is.. IT'S NOT DANGEROUS NOR LIFE THREATENING! And I assure you it's painful! Burns like all hell! Even water hurts. also, if it was thrush, the Nystatin would have taken care of it so logically, since you did a course of it and it didn't go away it's not thrush right?

A coated tongue looks like thrush but is not painful and it's not a disease. It can be treated by brushing your tongue and some extra diligent oral hygiene.

Good Lord! HA is unreal! You think you're easing someone's worries and they bend it all out of shape!

30-08-13, 23:54
Do you smoke? that often contributes to a coating on the tongue.

To me that really does not look like thrush. Thrush is a really thick white coating on the tongue which yours certainly isn't.

Thrush is also very sore, which you say yours doesn't hurt at all.....so to be honest it doesn't point to thrush at all.

maybe you should try a toothbrush with a tongue cleaner on it and clean your tongue when you clean your teeth because I think that may help you.

I really think you have to trust the doctors though, we can't diagnose things on here just give advice on our own experiences.

****edit**** sorry fishmanpa...I missed your post when I answered so I have said much the same as you x

31-08-13, 00:33
i use tongue scraper and mouthwash but doesnt shift it

31-08-13, 00:36
Diet has a lot to do with the tongues health as well.

How many times has a doctor said to you "stick your tongue out" ? They can tell a lot from it

31-08-13, 01:07
"****edit**** sorry fishmanpa...I missed your post when I answered so I have said much the same as you"

No harm in saying it twice or more. Sometimes you need to hammer it home ;)


31-08-13, 10:09
woke up with a sore throat.. not when I swallow but back of mouth it is sore
another runied weekend

31-08-13, 18:41
My God -dont want to panic u in the slightest , u asked for help & I could see from 3rd picture your white tongue quite clearly - in my opinion -looks like thrush. U say u have had thrush recently.... so maybe u need different antibiotics????

BOTTOM LINE - Go to docs no one can give you a definative answer or diagnosis on here & I'd rather not suggest anything else.

31-08-13, 21:10
I thought it was antibiotics that give you thrush not cure it?