View Full Version : What the hell is this on my skin? *picture included*

31-08-13, 07:54
http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/Jen_Fidge/image_zps4c5156b5.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/Jen_Fidge/media/image_zps4c5156b5.jpg.html)

This has just appeared on my inner thigh, I have no idea what it is but it's that odd purple/black colour and hurts like hell when I try to squeeze it.

It's soft to the touch but kind of harder inside.

Can anyone help? I'm nearly in tears over this :'(

Should I go to a&e?

31-08-13, 08:15
Looks like a boil to me.

31-08-13, 08:26
Looks like a boil to me.

What do I do? :(

31-08-13, 08:59
It's not a medical emergency so I don't think you need to go to A&E. We all get unexplained spots, lumps and bumps all the time and they usually clear up on their own. Keep an eye on it for a few days and if it doesn't get any better or if it gets much bigger, make an appointment with the nurse at you doctor's surgery.


31-08-13, 09:02
It's not a medical emergency so I don't think you need to go to A&E. We all get unexplained spots, lumps and bumps all the time and they usually clear up on their own. Keep an eye on it for a few days and if it doesn't get any better or if it gets much bigger, make an appointment with the nurse at you doctor's surgery.


Thanks Pip.

I'm just really stressed out thinking it is a staph infection (foolishly googled). And worried it will spread into my bloodstream.

31-08-13, 09:20
If you start to feel ill, of course that's different. At the minute, I can't see anything to be too concerned about. I've got a thumping great spot on my scalp at the minute which appeared last night which really hurts. As I said, we all get them.

Boils are quite common on areas which can get a bit sweaty or where there's a chance of in-growing hairs. It's one of life's little tricks that we all have to put up with.


31-08-13, 09:21
Looks like it might be an ingrown hair or just a spot. I get those quite a bit on my inner thighs/tops of my legs, especially when it's been warm out. Just like spots really except they're a bit purply coloured when they're on the inner thigh. If you've got anything like spot cream, witch hazel, tea tree oil, you could stick some of that on it, but mine usually just go away. I will confess to have squeezed them in the past - can't really recommend it as it hurts, probably isn't good for you, and is more likely to cause scarring!

31-08-13, 10:04
If it hurts when you press it, it's probably a bacterial infection of some kind.

What do you do? Go to your doctor, of course.

Do not worry, modern antibiotics can stop a skin infection dead in its tracks.

31-08-13, 10:15
If it hurts when you press it, it's probably a bacterial infection of some kind.

What do you do? Go to your doctor, of course.

Do not worry, modern antibiotics can stop a skin infection dead in its tracks.

Not sure I necessarily agree with this. If I get a spot or an ingrown hair, it hurts when I press it, and I've absolutely never had to get antibiotics for it! If it gets *worse* or you start feeling unwell with it, then I would go to the doctor just to get it looked at, but jumping straight to antibiotics for what might just an ingrown hair seems a bit OTT to me. Not least because over-use of antibiotics is bad!

31-08-13, 10:22
Don't use normal spot cream on it.. put something stronger like TCP or germoline. Avoid wearing trousers and keep the area clean. It looks like when it goes down it will leave a bruise for some time. If you get a staph infection it will feel hot around the area and you may bet redness with some lines coming from it. X

31-08-13, 10:28
As I said, if it gets worse or you start to feel ill, see your GP. Otherwise, my advice would be to keep an eye on it and leave it well alone - no poking, prodding or squeezing! Nature is generally the best possible healer for things like this.


31-08-13, 10:42
If you get a flannels soak it in hot water and apply it to it keep doing this and it will bring what ever is in there to a head and will eventually burst itself from doing what I've said or go to a pharmacy and ask for some drawing ointment that will also do it regards Vicky

31-08-13, 12:10
Don't use normal spot cream on it.. put something stronger like TCP or germoline. Avoid wearing trousers and keep the area clean. It looks like when it goes down it will leave a bruise for some time. If you get a staph infection it will feel hot around the area and you may bet redness with some lines coming from it. X

How about savlon?
It is warm in the area but that's because it's on my inner thigh I think. No red lines so far.

---------- Post added at 12:10 ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 ----------

Thank of to everyone who replied and sorry for such a gross photo.

I'm going to leave it a few more days and then if it gets any worse I will head to my GP.

31-08-13, 12:14
Savlon certainly won't do any harm - been years since I used it on anything, so no idea if it'll be effective, but may as well give it a go :)

(this will sound weird, but if you have bonjela in the house you could try that - I've used it instead of TCP and it seems to do a similar job!)

31-08-13, 16:52
It looks so unsightly :(

31-08-13, 17:03
Put a plaster on it then you wont see it lol

31-08-13, 17:49
A light dressing of lint and micropore, will help if you are planning to be out and about and if it pops.

01-09-13, 02:01
It looks like a boil to me too.

Although tempting, try not to squeeze it anymore, as you are likely to be spreading the infection to nearby tissue.

The hot flannels works really well. I had a skin abscess a month or two ago, I did the hot flannel compresses 3 times a day, until it softened and came to a head.

Once they're "ripe" they normally burst on their own, mine did in the night. Once it has burst, it's vitally important to keep it really clean and dry, I would try and cover it with gauze once it starts draining.

As others have said, if it get's very big, starts to look really angry, with a large area of red around it, or if you start to feel feverish, go and see your doctor or nurse at your surgery.

Boils or abscesses are much better left to mother nature as Pipkin has said, they will normally sort themselves out with no problems :)

01-09-13, 08:53
Looks like a boil to me, I just had one exactly the same on my inner thigh, think they can be caused by in growing hair. Mine just burst after a couple of days x

01-09-13, 08:57
I would say it's a boil you can see it's coming to a head will burst soon x

01-09-13, 10:01
definately a boil

01-09-13, 13:51
What do I do with a boil if it is? And is it serious?

01-09-13, 13:58
Just leave it alone and it should burst in its own time.

01-09-13, 14:04
Sudocrem is great for boils x

01-09-13, 14:14
Hey darling,

Definitely a boil. It is quite a small one though, so nothing to be too concerned over unless it gets larger or starts to hurt increasingly more.

Generally ones around that size will burst on their own in a few days, but as others have said, you can speed up the process by pressing it with a warm cloth (soaked in warm salt water helps) a few times a day. You can also apply antiseptic cream (someone above mentioned sudocrem as a good one). This should encourage it to come to a point where it will be ready to burst. Good idea to cover it once it does burst to make sure no dirt gets in.

01-09-13, 14:15
I had one if these on my love handle a few years ago and it hurt like mad! Looked exactly the same. I foolishly burst it though many times and I still have a small crater like scar there :-(

02-09-13, 10:06
Hello Emlica,

I'm sorry if you disagree with my post.

I was trying to answer someone with health anxiety who was worried that a superficial skin infection might cause some major infection in the body. Actually, this was a very real possibility less than a hundred years ago. Today, antibiotics can stop that kind of infection dead in its tracks.

But today, minor skin infections can easily be treated with antibacterials / antiseptics without the need for antibiotics.

As for whether antibiotics are overprescribed, I'd have to say yes.

02-09-13, 15:57
HHmm I thought it looked like a nipple:winks: