View Full Version : Blood in Urine

31-08-13, 08:23
So nervous this is my first post! I'm a 29yr old female who just lost her mum to that awful disease in January, I have had health anxiety in the past but the last month it's returned. I had a pain in my shin and thought Bone cancer, pains in my Lower back - cervical cancer!

Anyway last week I was getting some back in pain in my right side and a little pain low down in my tummy ended up at a walk in centre with a suspected UTI. They did a dip test and found no infection but blood in my urine. She didnt seem concerned and because I'd been feeling groggy said it could have been from a fever (I had a raised temp too). She said if symptoms persist to see my doc and in the meantime sent my sample off for further analysis of bugs. She said if I didn't hear anything all was fine, I haven't heard back yet.

The last week has possibly therefore been my worst yet, I'm convinced I have cancer too! I've decided to go to my doc on Monday to get it checked out again and I'm so scared :( the back pain and tummy pain has now gone but as there was no infection signs I'm panicking big time!


31-08-13, 09:15
I was diagnosed with a UTI without the urine test actually showing infection, not sure how that works really, but I was, and it did seem to be that. I'm sure when you have it tested again it will be clear especially if your symptoms have gone. I suppose there's no chance the blood in your urine might not actually have been from the urine - as in, you weren't on your period, just finished your period, or at ovulation where some women get slight spotting, etc? I had a urine test when I was at the end of my period, and although it was right at the end and I wear tampons, the doc said she'd still expect there to be blood in the sample (there was, but a week later it was all clear).

31-08-13, 09:35
Hi earlier this year I had the same blood in urine along with protein and white cells I was very worried and also thought I had cancer. My sample came back clear no sign of infection . I was advised to drink more fluids. I also started taking cranberry capsules but am not sure if these help or not I just read that they can help to keep your urinary tract clear. x

31-08-13, 13:29
That's comforting to know others have experienced this, I do realise that due to recent events I'm jumping to conclusions but its hard not to when you have anxiety. Regarding my period I actually did get it less than 24hrs after the test? So could be a possibility? Although I've had a little discomfort again today low down in my tummy, I'm hoping Monday I can get some sort of conclusion to stop all this worrying.

31-08-13, 13:39
If you got your period fairly soon after the test it doesn't sound impossible that there might have been non-urine related blood in your sample, but I guess it depends on you a little bit. I often notice a tiny bit of blood (mostly just a slight pink/brown stain when I wipe) a day or so before my period starts, so if it was me, I'd assume there was a decent chance that was why. But otherwise it probably was just a UTI and your urine sample on Monday will probably be fine. And even if there is still blood, it could just be that you've not shaken off the UTI and need some antibiotics - much more likely than anything sinister.

As for a little discomfort low down in your tummy - well, again, could be that it's a UTI that needs treatment, but could also very easily just be digestive-related induced by stress!

31-08-13, 13:47
You think? Ok thank you I just want to know I'm ok and move past this difficult time in my life, as this really isn't living properly with all this anxiety my mum wouldn't want me to be going through all this. Thank you for taking the time to reply to me

02-09-13, 16:41
Well went to the doctor this morning and they found blood again and protein in my urine, I'm freaking out an so scared. They've sent it for further investigation but I'm a mess in the meantime!
I'm at the toilet quite a but still have discomfort down below and aching in my back. I'm supposed to be going away for a few days next week and right now I couldn't think of anything worse I just want to go to bed and curl up away from the world. So frightened what it could be

03-09-13, 10:26
i went through this last year blood in my urine verytime it was checked but no infection the dip sticks are very sensitive they use at the dr anyway i had loads of test and they never found a cause apparantly it can happen to some people for no reason at all so dont worry its actually very common x

03-09-13, 12:22
Thanks Bronte that's good to know

Did they find Protein too? I've had some discomfort down below so I was sure something is goin on but dot have the lab results back yet. If I need further tests I don't kno how ill cope im a mess already. What with my mum passing away and now this I don't know how much more worrying I can take. I'm not eating or functioning really its all just too much x

03-09-13, 13:17
I usually get blood in my urine and once it is sent away to be tested nothing sinister is found.

I think it just happens sometimes

03-09-13, 13:44
hi lea2109 i know how you feel this happened to me after my mum died of cancer so i know how frightening this can be yes i had a lot of discomfort down there i cant remember if i had protein as well but i had white blood cells dont be surprised if they come back from the lab showing nothing because thats what mine did x

03-09-13, 13:50
Really? I'm sorry to hear you went through a terrible time too. I've been doin so well up until now and now it's like my whole work revolves around my health an that awful disease. I feel so alone, and its so ironic how the one person I'd go to for comfort is my mum but she isn't here anymore. I just want to feel normal and happy again x

03-09-13, 14:21
thats exactly how i feel my mum helped me with my health anxieties and now she not here i feel alone but honest i bet they find nothing and they will just put it down to one of them things like they did mine how old was your mum my mum was 68 and i also lost my dad to cancer at 54 x

03-09-13, 14:25
It's awful isn't it, I feel like I can't cope with simple things without her by my side. She was my rock, centre of the family and I feel like a part of me has gone too. She was 68 when she passed in January how strange they were the same age? I'm sorry to hear you've lost both your parents it must have been so hard for you. I hope you have someone close to you to support you? X

03-09-13, 14:42
i always said my mum was the button that held us all together i have 3 sisters and a brother and i suppose we have drifted apart in a way as we all coped with our grief differently but when my mum died i felt and still feel like im not a whole person somethings missing well mums missing thats the problem have you got any support form family and friends x

03-09-13, 14:46
That's such a shame you've grown apart, but I understand about handling it differently. I have an older Sister and brother, my sister is doing well, and my brother feels a sense of relief in a way not seeing her suffer anymore which I can relate to. That's a lovely thing to say about her she was the button, really sums it up. I have my husband and he's trying his best to support me but finds it very hard to relate to what I'm going through. I feel so miserable and he must feel he has lost me, or who I used to be x

03-09-13, 14:56
my partner found it very hard with me because i withdrew into myself and i think thats why i drifted apart from my sisters a little because i was so wrapped up in my own grief and anxieties no one could reach me i just pushed people away .Dont you worry alone ive been through the blood in urine anxieties and ive got bladder pain today actually ive had it all week the dr says i have irritable bladder but it does get worse when im anxious you can mail me anytime ive got my anxieties at the moment about having my cervical erosion cauterised which im dreading and keep talking myself in and out of lol x

03-09-13, 15:09
I totally understand, I feel like hiding away from the world most days, as its easier then dealing with it and talking about it to close ones. Do you mind me asking how long ago you lost your mum?
I've had health anxiety all my life since I was little and had chronic asthma and my family would fret over me and my health, I think perhaps this is where it stemmed from. But loosing a close loved one is like loosing a limb or worse. Thanks you so much for talking to me today and sharing you story, you too can message me anytime even if its just for someone to listen. I hope everything goes well with your treatment I have a few friends who have had the same and they said it was not as bad as they thought it would be

X x

03-09-13, 19:08
i lost my mum 5 years ago in october which may sound along time ago to people but it only seems like yesterday it was traumatic i honestly dont know how ive survived this long its been a very emotional 5 years but i can now think of the good times more than the time she was ill and you will too its still early days for you but it does get better honestly it made it worse because i bought the house next door to my mum because i couldnt stand living 10 minutes walk away thats how much i needed my mum in my life so now its took along time to adjust to life without her and even as im typing this my stomaches doing flips knowing shes not here anymore i still cry for her or myself actually and was only crying yesterday but that was more out of pity for myself because i feel like a 47 year old orphan x

03-09-13, 19:37
I'm sorry for bringing all those feelings back for you, you've been so strong in my eyes. I don't know how I'm going to cope, and she would be so upset with me wasting life like this worrying about illness. She used to always say 'I'm the one with cancer, why are you crying' she had a weird sense of humour.

I want to live on in her memory and for her to have been proud of me, but she wouldn't be looking at me now. I feel my mums death is going to mess me up mentally and make me ill! This isn't living :( x

03-09-13, 19:53
you havent brought memories back that i now cant deal with so dont worry and you will survive honestly you have to take each day as it comes and the first bof everything will be the hardest so you have dealt with mothers day thats one difficult day when its still raw and you will deal with other special occasions because we have to im sure my mum would be still proud of me even though i feel i let her down because of my health anxieties when my mum was diagnosed she worried about how her diagnoses was going to effect me with my cancer phobia and i promised her i would be ok but its been so hard we loved and cherished our mums so we have to be strong for them and thats all they will want for us and we know that dont we x

03-09-13, 20:12
I know your right, I want to be able to deal with this and whatever life throws at me and not curl up in a ball and go to bed. It's her birthday tomorro and it makes me sick to the stomach to think she won't be here to celebrate it. But like you said I have to take each day as it comes. It was never going to be easy I realise that but I didn't think I'd be like this x

03-09-13, 20:36
its my dads birthday tomorrow what a coincidence its also my daughters x

---------- Post added at 20:36 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

i will be thinking about you tomorrow be strong for your mum x

03-09-13, 22:08
That is such a coincidence! Will be thinking of you too x

05-09-13, 14:40
So I just rang the doc for my results and the receptionist said it states 'No further Action' what does this mean?? why have I produced to samples with blood then? why am I in pain? I'm totally freaking out now and no one understands why!? I would have rather it came back with infection least then there would be an answer! I'm making a doctors app for the morning to discuss this is driving me crazy, I feel so upset and lost

05-09-13, 14:51
'No further action' just means they didn't find anything dodgy and the doctor isn't worried. So I'd assume it meant there was nothing in your sample that shouldn't have been there, i.e. no blood this time. So that probably means it wasn't anything serious as it wouldn't just go away on its own if it was. If you're still in pain - and you're sure it's not stress-induced! - then I guess it could be something like a little kidney stone - not really harmful but can be painful and could definitely cause small amounts of blood in your urine. I think trace amounts of protein in your urine isn't that unusual.

05-09-13, 14:56
They did find blood in my 2nd sample you see and protein, hence why it was sent off. I just don't understand and I feel at the end of my tether and I dont know what to do. my pain was low down in my bladder now its in my lower tummy, I don't know if its stress induced as I'm so stricken with anxiety? I feel like I dont know what are real symptoms anymore and what I'm causing?

05-09-13, 15:06
Oh right, I thought you'd had a third sample done, sorry! So the 2nd one they found blood and protein using the dip test thing and then when it was sent off the results said no further action? I'd assume then that when they retested it at the lab they didn't find anything - lab tests are probably more reliable than the dip test at the GP's office. Could also be that there only a really tiny amount in the sample - the dip test just says yes or no, not how much - and when they saw how little was there they realised there was no reason to stress about it! As you're so worried, though, I'd ask your GP to clarify what they actually found and what they didn't, and why he/she doesn't think there's any cause for concern.

05-09-13, 15:27
Ok thanks Emlica for the advice, it feels like a pulling pain down below. Is it possible I've had something and it just isn't significent enough to show on the test? I really don't know my hubby says I'm blowing things way out of proportion and in fairness he must be sick of me by now but I just cant stop panicking! I'll speak to the GP tomorrow unfortunately its not the doctor I usually see but I'm sure he will be able to clear things up. x

---------- Post added at 15:27 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

I'm 30 in a matter of weeks and I'm worried I'm going to go into them an utter mess, no one is going to want to be a round me and I'm going to end up alone and miserable and constantly moaning

05-09-13, 15:36
I would have thought if it was anything really nasty then they wouldn't have said 'no further action' - I can't imagine they'd say that if you had substantial amounts of blood (or anything else untoward) in your urine. The doc will have your actual results so should be able to tell you whether it's that the lab actually found nothing or just that the amount was so small it's not a concern. Do explain that you're still having pains, though. It sounds perfectly feasible to me that you had an infection of some sort and the actual infection has cleared up but it's taking a bit of time to heal or something, but I'm not a doctor!

05-09-13, 15:40
I know I am extremely stressed too which I know creates havoc with your tummy and wont be helping. I just hope I can get thro this and put it behind my and move on with my life, because at the moment that seems so impossible x

05-09-13, 18:44
its exactly like mine blood always shows on dipstick because they not accurate but when sent to lab nothing is found so that is reasuring so dont worry honestly x

05-09-13, 19:10
Really even tho I still have niggling pain? It's got me so overwhelmed all this I wish I didn't feel this way x

05-09-13, 19:49
i didnt just have niggling pain i had alot of pain in my bladder and in my urethra and all mine was then and now is irritable bladder not even related to the blood in urine i was told so dont worry its nothing and when i do get bladder pain with my irritable bladder i take buscopan it stops the bladder and urethral spasms

05-09-13, 19:52
Thanks again Bronte my pain is getting more and more uncomfortable and seems to also be in my Uretha. Been reading up about dipstick tests (I know I should be) and apparently they can be very misleading and inaccurate x

05-09-13, 23:31
Around 5 years ago I had a lot of blood in my urine. Constant need to pee, although nothing came out. A lot of pain and sore kidneys. I went for a bunch of tests and even had my kidneys checked out with an ultrasound. Nothing came out of it and it just sort of passed by itself.

I haven't been aware of anything similar since. Although it was quite an uncomfortable couple of weeks.

I'm sure it's not as serious as you like to think it is. Hope you'll feel better.

06-09-13, 07:45
Thanks Eyji1 that's reassuring to know you had something similar and it passed. Off to the doctors this morning I hope they give me some comfort so I can stop all this worrying

06-09-13, 12:53
Well I went to the doctors this morning, apparently my recent test came back with a tiny trace of blood & protein and noting to be concerned about?! so why the discomfort and constant toilet visits??

Anyway the doctor did another dip test while I waited, it was clear! He was more concerned about my state of mind and has prescribed Fluxeotine (or however you spell it) and wants me to visit agia in 3 weeks. He has asked I give blood samples (in 2 weeks) so that I can get a full MOT. Got to admit I'm stressing about those now!?! but he was great with me overall.

06-09-13, 13:43
thats good news im also on fluoxetine and also the added reasurance you will get with the blood test you will be able to put it all behind you and the fluoxtine will help a little with your grief too x

06-09-13, 13:46
I really hope so Bronte, I'm still in discomfort but I guess I'm just going to have to ride it out and get on with it and convince myself its nothing sinister. x