View Full Version : brain aneurysm fear

31-08-13, 09:04
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could advise. In the last 2 weeks I've had several episodes of extreme headache on one side of my head. One happened in the middle of the night and woke me up. They're extremely painful appear very suddenly but disappear within 10 seconds or so. Has anyone ever had similar? I'm 32 years old and never had a problem with headaches in my life - except sinus type ones around my eyes. Worried its something sinister brewing..:doh:

31-08-13, 10:30
Sounds like migraine, but pain that wakes you up is always an indication you should see your doctor.

31-08-13, 12:10
Thanks for replying. I'm getting myself into a right old state as I'm out of the country at the moment in Istanbul. Fly back tomorrow. Feeling extremely anxious about the pains.. and so scared I'm going to collapse and die. Trying so hard not to panic, taken some calms but have no medication with me. Scared you'll all be reading my tragic storyin some newspaper next week! How can I calm myself down?


01-09-13, 05:18
If you are travelling, the stress of being in a new location (even if it's a holiday) may rebound on you at some point, causing a headache. It may resolve itself when you get home.

For the moment, take something like ibuprofen and tell yourself that you'll have it checked when you get home. If it is something like migraine, your doctor can prescribe effective medications.

Worrying won't make any difference (easy to say, I know). Have you tried meditation techniques to help you feel calm?

01-09-13, 09:46
Recently I've had exactly the same fear, and I've only just started getting over it. I had an extreme headache vomiting dizziness etc put it down to migraine. A few weeks later I decided it must.be warning of an aneurysm and it got to.the point I was miserable,.crying.through the.day just waiting for it to burst.

Anyway the other day I went to the doctors.and he said aneurysms rarely cause.headaches unless they.rupture.or leak. When they leak it causes an extremely severe headache,.blinding pain,.worst headache of your life, like being hit over the head with.a cricket bat. These headaches/after effects last at least an.hour.and can linger for days. I hope this helps xx

01-09-13, 16:09
Thanks strawberrys and hanshan. Well I made it back to the UK and feel a bit less panicky. Strawberrys you described how I feel! It's so scary. I have a stiff upperback now which is adding to my fear. My headaches were the worst of my life... like being pierced with a skewer. Did your Dr tell you they last longer strawberrys? I've had anneuyrsm anxiety on and off since I went into hypertensive crisis a couple of years ago.. I got over it but the headaches have brought it back. I still think ill go to the gp as its not normal for me to have headaches and see what they say. Xxx

02-09-13, 09:43
Hello Spacebunny,

Good to see you made it back. Yes, see the doctor, as recurrent headaches and pain that wakes you up should both be checked (but aren't a sure sign of imminent catastrophe).