View Full Version : bad day :-(

harrys mummy
31-08-13, 11:52
Im having a bad day today, cant stop thinking about breast cancer my lump is defiantly not as red but theres still a lump there! It pretudes out the skin like a spot on your face would.

I feel so alone and terrified today feel like I could burst into tears and as we all know I cant talk to my hubby about it because he just getd annoyed so I have to put on a brave face and keep it in

I finished my antibiotics Tuesday so I'll be back to the doc and she said if they didnt clear it up she would refer me, part of my desperately wants or wanted her to do that when I first went the other half is terrified if what they will say!

I really hate this x

---------- Post added at 11:52 ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 ----------

I meant I finish the antibiotics this tuesday x

31-08-13, 12:02
Tuesday is still a few days away yet, and antibiotic courses are that long for a reason! If the redness has gone down that suggests the antibiotics are doing something - if it was a sinister lump, why would the redness have gone down?

harrys mummy
31-08-13, 13:05
I know but you try telling my brain that! Im so scarred today.

Part of me is thinkiny if it was breast cancer the lump would be inside not on the outside but then a lumpsa lump right?

Thanks for the reply x

31-08-13, 13:31
Well, I guess a lump is a lump, but you know, the lump I have in the flabby bit of my upper arm is just a ganglion; the lump I have on my shoulder is the remains of a hypergranulated scar; the lump I have under my left jawbone at the minute is a raised gland because of a mouth ulcer; the lump by my hairline is a spot... lump doesn't automatically equal cancer, especially not when there's a perfectly good alternative explanation! If it looks like a spot and has been red and sore it sounds way more likely to be related to infection than cancer. Try to focus on the fact that the redness going down is a sign of improvement! Also - don't expect it to have completely disappeared by the time you finish the antibiotics. The antibiotics should clear up the actual infection but you could easily still be left with kind of scar tissue or whatever, so please don't panic if it's not disappeared entirely by Tuesday!

31-08-13, 14:36
Sorry you're having a bad day. I guess that's the curse of HA. Despite reassurances from a medical professional and others, one cannot stop the downward spiral of fear and worry regardless of how logically things are presented :(

Hope you feel better soon.

harrys mummy
31-08-13, 15:57
Thankyou fishmanpa, your absolutely right xx