View Full Version : Feeling so low :-( replies most appreciated

Female healthanxiety
31-08-13, 14:49
My life is in an absolute turmoil at the moment; thank you for reading.

I am in so much debt, woke up today and it appears that someone has slashed my tyres and keyed my car :/(. Looks like they have done it to a few cars. I can just about afford to run it let alone have this problem now.

Things are not going well with me and my partner / he does not seem to want to commit, but does not mind me virtually living with him.

My younger sister is going through depression and we are so close and I feel helpless; plus trying my best to be positive around my mum as she is a single mum and stressed with it.

My HA seems to be a major problem at the moment. I had a FUll blood count last week and all came back fine; but I have a constant dizziness (to which I posted a separate thread about yesterday)

Went out for a drink with a friend last night and drank way too much wine and am feeling extra hyper sensitive.

I feel like all this stress is GOING TO KILL ME :/(.


31-08-13, 15:17
Hi, sounds like you are going through a tough time. But many people all over the world go through super stressful times every day.. it doesn't kill them and it won't kill you. Have you spoken to anyone about how you are feeling? Not about the ha (I believe that ha is a symptom of the unhappiness whether we acknowledge it or not). Is there a friend or gp who could help with your problems or point you in the right direction? There's also the samaritons, I called them once when I was feeling low.. it really helped.

Female healthanxiety
31-08-13, 16:51
Hello space bunny,

Thank you for replying.

Yes I feel like everything is becoming overwhelming, I just popped out to get some fresh air and again felt like I was gonna faint and feel very heavy headed with it :/(

I do have friends I can talk to however I can't shake off my problems.

I feel ecspwcially bad today as its my best friends 30th birthday and I've had to let her down because I'm trying to sort this out / to which she's made me feel so bad for not coming, so now feeling even more low.....

31-08-13, 17:53
Blocking yourself off from friends is totally normal when you have problems and ha... i do the same. You havent let your friend down... did you explain your anxiety to her? Ive had some very low points this last year and find doing little positive steps for yourself helpful.. is there anything you could treat yourself to? Haircut, massage etc? Not everyone likes those things but looking after you is very impoartant at the moment. Hope you feel better soon.

31-08-13, 18:43

I can't really say anything to make you feel better other than to let you know that this is quite normal with HA, but on top of that you have a lot of outside issues which are enough to make someone who doesn't have HA stressed let alone on top of it.

Dizziness is such a common symptom that can be caused by so many things, anxiety and stress being two of the main culprits! Do you have any allergies or ear issues? it's just fluid in the ears can be responsible for dizziness and it's easily treated.

I don't think alcohol helps I'm always worse the day after I've had a drink, but then sometimes it's nice to have a few drinks because it's one of the few times I do seem to get my HA under control and be able to relax.

I really hope things pick up for you, I'm sure they will although it probably feels like it's a long way off at the moment.

Are you taking any medication for your anxiety? it's not for everyone but sounds like it be me helpful for you to just get through this phase.

Take care