View Full Version : panic attacks out of the blue

31-08-13, 15:09
Hi there. I've suffered from anxiety/panic attacks on and off for years, but I feel I do have some control over it at the moment. The thing is I can be doing just ordinary tasks through the day and feel fine...........and then BAM! suddenly my chest hurts or my heart is thumping, I feel wobbly and light headed and can't breathe. Now, I do recognise these are symptons of a panic attack, and often I can work through them and return to 'normal'. But why does it happen, seemingly for no reason. Years ago I used to feel the attck creeping over me, quite slowly, but these just come out of the blue.

I really need to get to grips with this as I am going on holiday in a couple of weeks. That's another thing.............I booked a holiday some months ago and have really been looking forward to it, but now it's getting close I am starting to panic about the plane (not crashing, just being in it!!!) and panicing about if there any decent medical facilities near the hotel (it's Spain for goodness sake!). I'm worrying about if I get chest pains while I'm flying and they turn out to be a heart attack. I am feeling like my holiday is spoilt already and I haven't even left home yet.

I so hate this anxiety stuff. I have already wasted so much time not doing things because of something that 'might' happen.

Thank you for reading this vent, everyone on this board is so understanding, and I know many of you have a daily struggle with it. I spent years with it eating me up, but I can tell you it it is possible to manage and control it. It was hard work and didn't happen overnight.

How do you cope when a panic attack just pops up?

31-08-13, 17:10
Sudden attacks can be very tough to cope with. Have you identified any particular situations or tiggers that bring them on? Foods?

31-08-13, 20:42

I had my first panic attack when i was 19 and it changed my life, i stopped drinking alcohol, going out and i lost around 5 stone, but i finally feel like im back in control and like you i recently went on a holiday.

As the date got closer i started to panic more and more, my fears where exactly the same as yours, what happens if i have a panic attack in the air and its something worse.. well the good news is i made it. Aside from take off which i was a bit anxious about the flight was fine for me.

However i did have a secret weapon... before i left i loaded 2, 2 and half hour movies onto my iPad, just enough to cover the length of the flight to Greece and back. It worked a treat and i had a brilliant time!

If you do have an iPad/iPhone or some kind of device you can put a movie on i highly recommend it, also try to go for a comedy. I mentioned to my girlfriend about my fears and as she has been with me through everything, i guess she was expecting me to be a bit of mess, but i had a few funny looks from her as i was laughing mid flight at the movie i was watching!

I hope you enjoy your holiday!

P.S i was getting anxious whilst sitting in the airport waiting so i went and brought a set of playing cards. A few games of snap and blackjack managed to keep my mind busy.

31-08-13, 22:45
Freaked - I've tried to pinpoint possible triggers. A couple of times it's happened in places where I've panicked before. Sometimes they come literally out of the blue with no warning. Interesting that you mentioned foods. I think if I have too much sweet stuff I get quite jittery, feel a bit weird.

DontWorryBeHappy - thanks for the good ideas. Glad you have got it under control. The film thing seems a good idea, and I enjoy doing crosswords and puzzles so I might stock up on those. I'll let you know how things go after I get back on 16th Sept.

Thanks both for your replies, good luck with everything.