View Full Version : hair loss is ruining me, anyone affected by looks?

22-10-06, 22:08
hi all, im losing my confidence in going out and being a normal 28 year old male because my hair line has gone and im thinning, im so low and concious about this, has anyone else suffered with this or there appearence?

23-10-06, 05:39
I haven't suffered this, since I am a female. But I can tell you that only one out of the ca. 15 males I see every day still have a full head of hair. It is more common than not to be bald these days.
Also, my ex-husband was bald when I met him, and he was only 19.
And I can tell you, the sooner you lose your hair, the more testosterone you have in you - i.e. the more man you are.
Don't know if this helps any, I just wanted to let you know that to most women, thin hair and baldness is no problem what so ever, so please, please try not to let it get you down.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

23-10-06, 09:15
I agree us women really dont care about our men losing their hair though i know its distressing for you guys going through it!!! What is much worse for me is to see men who are losing their hair trying to grow it!!! Look at Michael Bolton and Andre Agassi they look SO MUCH better with shavenheads!! When it gets to that stage with you just shave it off!!!!

23-10-06, 13:18
hey there,my brother had the same problem in his 20s he decided to have it shaved to a short grade 1,it looked ok.Remember people love the person on the inside.And Just let me say Im female and losing my hair to!!!!!!!
Take care pet.;)

Ellen XX

24-10-06, 10:13
defo get it shaved short pal. grade 1! :D

the ladies love the skinhead look, and im confident it will make you feel a lot better about yourself!

25-10-06, 06:49
Hi, this to worried me sick when i was in my twenties, eventually you realise that there are loads of blokes like it out there, and it won't bother you anymore, i'm now "bald as a coot:D", like everyone has said, keep it short/shaved and don't go for the Coco the clown look!

25-10-06, 18:33
hi saint dee, Hasn't anyone told some of the sexiest men on tv etc have receding hairlines!

25-10-06, 21:52
I agree totally with everyone

If it is thinning to the extend where you are conscious of it then shave it off! i understand that it must be a big step but i love shaven heads and most of the women i work with do too. i think it takes years off a receeding mans age and can look realy sexy!! My brother started receeding from a very early age (17) and it took him years to finally go for it and actually shave it to a number 3. hes 40 now and still shaves it. hes got loads of female admirers and looks younger than his age but i dont think he would have if he kept his receeding hairline.


29-10-06, 20:23
Hi saintdee

I remember answering one of your posts regarding your pending baldness and told you I was taking my 17 year old son to see a private dermatologist/trichologist. Well, I was right, there is something fairly new on the market which definately does stop people from losing their hair (anti-androgen, only available on private prescription). Now for the BUT.
There have been no long term studies into the long term effects of this drug (used for cancer of the prostrate) but they suspect it may cause infertility in the future. Also, you are committed to it for the rest of your life as, as soon as you stop taking it, your hair disappers almost overnight!!!

I'm glad I went as, although it was expensive, at least it reassures my son that he is pre-destined to lose his hair and the best thing he can do is to psychologically adjust to the idea. It also stops me (over-parenting as usual) taking him to quacks buying wierd and wonderful cures as the consultant told me there are definately none out there!!

Hope this saves you from fruitless searches or wasting any money - and if you do decide on the anti antrogens, at least you know what might happen in the future.

Kay x

21-08-07, 17:22
hi all, im losing my confidence in going out and being a normal 28 year old male because my hair line has gone and im thinning, im so low and concious about this, has anyone else suffered with this or there appearence?
hi there, just rejoined and read your message about hairloss my 26 year old son feels exactly like you and has worried about his hair for so many years. His depression comes and goes but everything comes back to his hair and it runs his life. He has tried pills and lotions and wears a hat when he can he is so obsessed and it makes him so unhappy.
I just would like to ask where your at now with your life have you any advice I can give him?

21-08-07, 17:56
My old boy has got a bald patch and has had it since he was about 21. He has a resonable amount of hair at the front and by talking to him face-to-face you would never know!!

He used to have a real thick head of hair and was gutted when it first fell out but got over it quite quickly. As long as you look after yourself ie body, keep trim, be happy with yourself, then it won't bother you.

Just shave it off though, brother. People will soon get used to it!

I'm sure I'm due for the 'spot' quite soon but touch wood I'm 22 and still look like an Itallian Stallion...:shrug: No..?