View Full Version : What was your worst panic attack like?

31-08-13, 16:24
Just curious. I've had a few very bad ones but I have a condition called POTS that means I can't always tell what's panic/anxiety and what's actual symptoms. What was your worst pure panic attack like?

31-08-13, 16:31
I remember my worst panic attack I was in a shop waiting to get served the shop was full ,then bang my heart started pounnding I was sweating ,my legs went like jelly, and I was soooooo dizzy I started crying:weep: and managed to get out the shop I thought I was going to die ,how I got myself home I don't no it was awful mind none of them have been nice

31-08-13, 17:08
My worst panic attack, funnily enough the one I got the most help with.
I was off work and had to go to Occ Health, I work in a hospital anyway and having to walk through the long corridor, it was like walking into to the face of hell. In the waiting room I could not stop shaking. When the doctor called me in I couldn't speak, he helped me to breathe and talk. Some medics do get it, too few though.

I did have a big panic attack at work last week, it was obvious and everyone in the office knew about it. I work hard and am committed to my job, so rely on that to carry me through. Sometimes I feel I am treated with kid gloves but not in the right way.