View Full Version : Please help me - what are all these symptoms?

31-08-13, 17:35
Hi all, ive just been discharged from hospital from the cardiology ward after getting smothering, tight horrible chest pains like I was being choked. I had gradually been getting it badly for 4 weeks and saw a private cardiologist 2 weeks ago who said it sounded like ANGINA (Im only 30!!) and that he would organise a ct heart scan even though angina is unlikely.

I had an echocardiogram to look at the structure of my heart and all was good. My stress treadmill test was fine. My troponin was raised a bit a 52 at one point but was under the normal range 2 days later. The drs said my heart IS very fast and I do also have lowish BP but am ok.

I am stuck though. I don't know what's wrong with me but something is. I have been experiencing severe anxiety since January but anxiety in general since 2 years ago when my routine op went wrong and I almost died.

The past month has been hell, physically and now emotionally. I feel drained of all life.

I don't take any antidepressants, I was on citalopram but it stopped working and gave me more palpitations. I DO take lorazepam though, small doses (0.25) about 3 times a day.... for a few months now. My gp prescribed this to help my heart rate as I am intolerant to Beta blockers.

My symptoms are:
- chest tightness
- a feeling of being strangled
- short of breath
- excessively tired
- numbness in hands and feet
- cold hands and feet
- lightheaded and dizzy
- fast heart rate (up to 135 doing hardly anything)
- very anxious
- shaking and trembling

Blood tests and other tests are all ok at the moment. I am feeling awful and I just don't know what it is. Its been ages and ive seen so many doctors. A lot of them have said anxiety, my gp says anxiety and maybe a central nervous system disorder, my private cardio wants to rule out heart artery problems ( this is what REALLY scares me) but says probably anxiety and a central nervous system problem...

Please if anyone has any ideas, im so scared and its getting out of control now


31-08-13, 18:00
Hi, you poor thing, you sound like youre feeling awful. I agree with your drs sounds all like anxiety. It also sounds like youre having a hard time processing your op that went wrong. Its hard realising things go wrong and were not invincible. I had a similar thing to you at 30, it triggered panic in me. I had cbt which helped a lot... also stopped drinking caffein and eating sugary foods which helped massively.

31-08-13, 18:06
"I've seen so many doctors. A lot of them have said anxiety, my gp says anxiety, my private cardio says probably anxiety"
"I have been experiencing severe anxiety since January but anxiety in general since 2 years ago"

I've had two heart attacks, coronary bypass and stents and suffer from cardio vascular disease. If it's your heart, I assure you you'll know. It's a gut feeling "Oh Sh&^" moment for sure.

It's good that you have a cardiologist that being thorough and cautious but based on what I just read,...

If it walks like a duck........... probably is a duck

anx mum
31-08-13, 21:55
Hi just read your thread you sound so much like me. Im getting chest pains and a lot of symptoms of angina although it hasent been confirmed yet im so scared. Waiting to see a cardio for a ct test. Like yourself I feel awful just wanna know what this is?

31-08-13, 22:01

I know it probably doesn't seem like it to you but it does all seem like anxiety symptoms.

My heart rate went up to 140 when I was anxious and by BP was 160/100 I had a lot of the symptoms you are experiencing and even after clear blood tests and ECG etc I was still convinced I would keel over at any minute.

It took a while but I started to calm down and the symptoms subsided.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

31-08-13, 22:09
they love to just to blame everything on anxiety and send you away
hope you feel better soon bud

01-09-13, 01:05
Well I would think that anyone that had had that awful scare when you nearly died after a small operation, would be highly anxious afterwards :)

I'm no doctor of psychiatrist, but I would be confident enough to say that I think this is where your anxiety has come from.

I would go ahead and have the tests that your cardiologist has ordered first, just to make double sure that it isn't in fact a heart problem, then if all is well it may be a good idea for you to have some CBT or psychotherapy to help you deal with what happened to you and help you with the anxiety.

Do keep updating and letting us know how you get on please :)