View Full Version : My eyes are fine!!!!!!

31-08-13, 18:48
I can't believe it after a nightmare of a morning with Tescos opticians I have just seen the loveliest of opticians at Boots who told me my eyes are healthy and my vision is good!!!

Phew, I haven't had an eye test in years and was so worked up which wasn't helped by some opticians assistant making a comment about the pressure in one of my eyes being high!

Anyway he said it's not high it's normal, and perfectly normal with someone who's anxious and knows they are going to have a puff of air shot in their eye.

So basically he doesn't want to see me for two years. I mentioned my floaters and he wasn't concerned said the backs of my eyes are nice and healthy, the only thing he noted was my eyes looked a bit irritated and sore and he asked if I had any allergies which I do so he recommended some eyedrops.

Also said to use moisturising eye drops at work due to air con which dries the eyes out and makes them uncomfortable, he said I have no bacteria in my eyes, he did a strip test to check but said if my eyes are still irritated in a few weeks go back and he will check them again for free.

I can't tell you how relieve I am I nearly cartwheeled out of there.


31-08-13, 18:56

31-08-13, 21:25
I had my eyes tested today too. All very healthy so that makes 2 of us. They did this scan of the back of the eyes & some other thing as well. He showed me the pictures . I really do appreciate how hard is it for people who are worried about there being something wrong, mine was a routine test, I hadn't anticipated a problem at all. But even in the couple of minutes waiting for him to run through the results .... I sat there almost expecting the worst. Daft really but it made me mindful of people here who struggle. But the best bit is when they say everything is absolutely fine.... And for you munchlet....how lovely that you had relief from your worries. Well done and such a good reward for your efforts!!

harrys mummy
31-08-13, 21:31
Yippppeeeeeee xx