View Full Version : Arm pain

31-08-13, 18:55
For the last 2 weeks I have been completely fine yesterday and today I have been having like a dull deep pain in my left shoulder down my arm and I'm worried about it a lot

31-08-13, 19:09
Probably muscular and you slept on it funny maybe

31-08-13, 19:11
It's more than likely Anxiety. I know I always get a pain in my arm when I'm anxious.

31-08-13, 20:04
I always get this I get dull pains and sometimes shooting and sharp pains too

31-08-13, 20:14
yes I have this today and had it the last few days I put it down to muscle tension caused by anxiety and when the pain eases of I get a pain like pins and needles in the middle of my left palm
It sometimes feels like I have a tight belt round the top of my arm or someone's poking me in my arm in one spot and then it aches like when you have done a lot of exercising and the muscles ache

I have had this before and it passed after a week or so
so now I am just waiting till it goes on its own

frosty xx

31-08-13, 20:17
I have been doing a lot of guitar and bass playing maybe it's strained from that too I have taken a lorazapam what my doctor have me that seems to be easing it slightly