View Full Version : Inhaling Mould?

31-08-13, 19:06
I just went to my parents to collect my work bag and discovered that I left a burst open yoghurt and a half eaten sandwich inside it. That was 6 weeks ago and it was mouldy as hell and absolutely stunk. I emptied it into the bin outside but I'm pretty sure I breathed a few of the spores in. What are the chances of this making me ill and if it will when would it start?

I'm already finding it hard to breathe and feel a burning sensation in my chest but I think that's because I'm panicking. Help me ASAP please!

31-08-13, 19:24
I think probs caused by mould spores tend to happen after prolonged exposure rather than a one off. Loads of people come into contact with a bit of mould from time to time...

31-08-13, 19:46
"What are the chances of this making me ill?"

A few rouge mold spores from a 6 week old yogurt and sandwich?
0% to 0% chance of getting ill.