View Full Version : driving myself crazy!

harrys mummy
31-08-13, 20:56
Me again sorry......

Ive decided im going to go back to the doctors monday and if she doesnt suggest it im going to ask for her to refer me to a breast specialist.

I know what im like even though the redness is going down the lumpyness isnt so even if she says she still thinks its a blocked duct im not going to believe her am I! Its still there which means theres something wrong!

Ive been thinking anyway how can it be a infected duct my baby is 18mths old now and I didnt breast feed!!

Am I talking rubbish I feel like im going nuts! Im googling every possible variation of my symptoms and surprise surprise everytime breast cancer it inflamitory breast cancer comes up! Apart from not googling what am I going to do people!

31-08-13, 21:21
Hi mine is the same i am convinced i have inflammatory breast cancer. I have been to see 3 doctors now and all of them have just told me there is nothing wrong im fine but this doesnt explain why im in pain constantly, have a bruise thats growing under the skin on mg boobs and pain in neck back and under arms. I have a 1 yr old he was 1 on thursday and i keep thinking what if i dont get to see another birthday!

harrys mummy
31-08-13, 21:30
Oh hun I really feel for you its so crap, id never even heard of imflamitory breast cancer until afew days ago I just thought breast cancer and thats it!

What I find so horrid is if I die my baby wont even remember me he's 18 mths, im trying so hard to hold things in and act normal round him but my brain is constantly on breast cancer and how much I love and will miss him

Sending big hugs x

31-08-13, 22:03
Do you find it easy to spend time with your little one? Some days i cant cope with the feeling that im getting to know him more and more and its going to be heartbreaking when i have to leave him i dont want to grow too close. Its the most horrible feeling in the world!

31-08-13, 22:07
hope you feel better soon. Try not to google. I am trying to ween myself off it, its the worst thing out there for people like us