View Full Version : Leg numbness .. Terrified

Anxious lu
31-08-13, 22:42
I was just lying on the sofa with my boyfriends legs over mine.. I stood up and notice my whole back of leg had gone numb and it felt strange as it thawed out! It's the opposite leg in which I get recurrent numbness in the hip/ thigh area which a personal trainer said was probably due to a trapped nerve as it occurs in certain positions and thaws when I move..

I am terrified of ms now though.. Having these issues or could it be a trapped nerve in my back I don't know both different legs scared and confused

31-08-13, 22:43
Sounds like his leg cut off the circulation and your leg fell asleep ;)

Anxious lu
31-08-13, 22:46
I hope so ms is meant to be rare but I know of like 4 people who have it 2 perso ally!

Just read this:

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

MS sufferers may experience numbness or tingling early on. Other symptoms that they may suffer from early on include limb weakness, a loss of balance and vision problems. They may also have cognitive and coordination problems, slurred speech and sudden, unexplained paralysis. When multiple sclerosis worsens, individuals suffer from fatigue, heat sensitivity, muscle spasms, speech problems, difficulty swallowing, dizziness and tremors. It is common for MS to occur between the ages of 20 and 40.

I'm 21 this scares me

---------- Post added at 22:46 ---------- Previous post was at 22:44 ----------

I had an MRI scan September last year it showed no abnormalities but ms could have progressed since then right??

31-08-13, 23:05
~lol~ Lucy... your boyfriends leg was across yours. It cut off the circulation and your leg fell asleep ;) Haven't you ever sat cross legged on the floor or with your legs crossed an your foot or leg falls asleep?

You don't have MS

Anxious lu
31-08-13, 23:08
My sister is telling me the same thing.. Thanks
My anxiety has been gone for so long I don't know why it come back.. I just used to laugh at myself for the things I thought I had to list a few:

Heart attack
And many many many more

And I am on a slippery slope back there!!

31-08-13, 23:25
My legs/feet/hands go numb all the time depending on my position. I got scared too ans mentioned it to doc and he said he gets that way too, must be normal :-)

Anxious lu
31-08-13, 23:29
Oh that's comforting lol :-) I just jump to the worst thing.. Like I have it in my head I am scared to sit down or if I am that I won't be able to stand if I try x

01-09-13, 00:29
I hope a laugh will help you... many years ago (about FIFTY!! EEK!!! :ohmy:) we were all woken in the night by my dad screaming in agony, "Bl**dy Hell, Irene!!"

My Mother had woken up and realised her leg had gone numb. When she moved it she couldn't feel anything at all, so she pinched it and - nothing. She then woke Dad and said "SYD!! My leg's gone numb! I can't feel anything!" To which he replied (after screaming) "That's because it's MY leg you're pinching!"

They both died in due course, many years later, but neither of them ever had MS...

01-09-13, 01:04
Hi anxious Lou..are you currently taking any medications?? I am aware that some SSRI's can cause temporary numbness? this side effect tens to wear of after a while. If your not on meds it might just be a matter of circulation due to your leg position at the time. I hope it sorts itself out. I wouldnt worry too much about it :-)