View Full Version : Kidney Infection

31-08-13, 23:46
Hi, everyone.

I was in the ER this morning. Woke up early with excruciating back pain, it hurt to even breathe. Well, on Thursday, I was at the doctor and was told I have a UTI but today at the ER, I had a CT, blood tests and urine test and it turns out, I have a kidney infection.

My symptoms weren't TERRIBLE(except for the back pain), but just classic, burning during urination, frequent urination, a little bit of blood, cloudiness.

Anyways, I do not take medicine, I don't know why I'm so nervous to take medicines. I can't tell you the last time I took a Tylenol. But at the ER they did give me pain reliever in an IV and the antibiotic. They sent me home with Ibuprofen and Bactrim.

My back pain is starting to come back and I have a headache and I'm scared to take the Ibuprofen(800 mg). I don't know what I think it will do to me. I do have emetophobia so maybe I'm anxious that it will make me sick. But I'm also scared that it will give me anxiety or it will make me drowsy or feel "out of it" and I don't like that feeling at all.

Just need some reassurance.

Thanks for reading.

01-09-13, 00:07
I was diagnosed with a kidney infection today as well! I just had a. Baby august 17th and had blood in my urine but my OB insisted it was blood from me bleeding due to having a baby in my urine culture and my back was killing me but my OB insisted it was from the spinal during the c section. Needless to say my symptoms were masked for like 2 weeeks and here I am now feeling absolutely miserable. It took 2 trips to the e.r. and a trip to my primary doctor to finally be told I have a kidney infection. I am verrrrrry nauseous I guess from being sick for so long and so I'm terrified to take my antibiotic cipro because of how nauseous I am...but I'm terrified to eat because I have a phobia of throwing up.this just creates an endless cycle of me feeling like I'm starving myself to death and adding to my stress. So not fun! I will advise that you definitely take your antibiotic! As for the pain medicine I am on the same boat as you! They gave me a non narcotic pain medicine and although my back is killing me I still have not taken it because I am too afraid. I don't know why I'm afraid I just am.

01-09-13, 00:17
Hi Free,

Some way, some how, you're going to have to overcome your fear of medication in order to get better. You must take the antibiotic to clear the infection, no ifs ands or buts!

Concerning the ibuprofen. Nsaids like ibuprofen have been around for ages and are perfectly safe. Keep in mind that pain causes stress and anxiety and that's the one thing for sure you don't need to aggravate. So the pain relief is up to you, but I know I'm a wimp when it comes to pain so I'd be all over that!