View Full Version : Sudden Dizzy Spells - petrified

01-09-13, 00:23
Please please can some one help...
Just been lying in bed, felt pretty anxious all day had a small panic attack when I went for a walk earlier as I was worried about people getting to me...

Anyway lying in bed on my phone, no movements or anything then Bang a huge dizzy spell hits me, not necessarily a faint feeling just feel very dizzy! Sat up Nd grabbed my fiancé and continued to spin.. Was awful... Started sweating, and feeling sick and horrible... I'm not great now but have stopped spinning...

Is this really anxiety?? Does dizziness just come out the blue so suddenly like that? I'm so so scared something is going to happen... Please help....

01-09-13, 00:44
So sorry you're experiencing this--dizziness/vertigo are horrible and can produce anxiety on their own. I struggled with it myself and I will tell you that tiny bursts of vertigo (extreme dizziness/room spinning) CAN be attributed to anxiety. But if it persists, you will want to go to a doctor because it can be other things--ear infections, fluid in the ears, allergies/sinus issues, inner ear problems, etc. Usually very curable. But yes, it can be an anxiety thing too. Hope you feel better. xoxo

01-09-13, 08:52
Thanks for your reply.. I've seen 2 ENTs and a cardiologist all of which say they think I have some balance issue or disembarkment from flying issue.. I've had an MRI in Jan which was clear.. I'm just petrified when the dizziness happens that's it I'm going to drop dead... Especially when it comes from no where even just lying in bed :( I can't escape from it and I don't know what to do :(

30-11-13, 18:22
Oh fedup36 I feel like I'm following u round this site. We seem to have similar symptoms. I today have felt good, chilled out putting up the xmas tree etc. thought I would go into town and do some shopping when WHAM I went dizzy. Not lightheaded, proper dizzy, floor moving etc. It lasted seconds but has completely freaked me again. I had to come straight home. I now feel dreadful and can't get over it. I can't believe that this is anxiety when I have felt good today. It must be something serious!!!! Argh!!

30-11-13, 20:56
Hi Sydney, have you talked to your GP about this vertigo? It sounds like something you should look into xx